Letter to the Editor / THERE MUST BE PAIN
Roger C. Kostmayer
International relations is based, primarily, on Pavlovian theory. You don’t reward the dog with food and praise for chewing on the rug, unless you’re training him to destroy your home. Yet, that’s what Trump is doing with Putin and Russia.
It’s indisputable that Russia has attacked, and is continuing to attack, America with cyber warfare, propaganda and spies all designed to sow division, chaos and misinformation – with impunity. And they have affected the core of our democracy – our election results.
Russia is much like a big service station. It is economically vulnerable and heavily dependent on revenue from the sale of oil and gas. That’s Putin’s hot button, and if the price of oil and gas plummet (which we can make happen), their revenue drops, their economy falters and the Russian people grow dangerously restive. If this tool is used in conjunction with sanctions, cyber retaliation and classified measures (like Putin’s financial assets), it would quickly achieve its’ Pavlovian objective. It could also help resolve Ukraine, Syria and other Russian misadventures.
For any POTUS and Commander in Chief to fail to perform his constitutional duty to preserve and protect our nation, would be treasonous and grounds for immediate impeachment.
Roger C. Kostmayer
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