By Jerrold Weinstock

The authentic epidemic is increasing suicide “world-wide” .  Focusing on the mainspring Is not opioids, as a causative lynch pin. The truth is we all live in a biosphere  a web all connected, adolescents and young adults basically all of us. We note with anxiety even subtle provoking vibrations.  That web represents in some manner, difficult to comprehend, our well being and our health., but the strands of our natural environment are fiercely degrading.

 All of us are having to cope with unceasing accelerating change. It is a whirlwind of exploitation, manipulation, constant decision making, and furious overstimulation including brain searing noise.

As a Psychiatrist, as just an ordinary human being, the fragility of our nervous systems is quite apparent.

It has hi -sensitivity. Obviously adapting to our lives becomes difficult leading to anxiety, inner agitation, irritability, intense episodes of worry, and depressive moods. Sudden outbreaks can happen like aggression and be a murderous solution. Doctors try and help as do psychologists and councilors.          

Medication is offered to try and moderate, but little known to most of us, many of our generics may be a less effective substitute for the original medicine. Lots of alternative means help like Yoga, and sports;  I swim and play music and the piano and read, going fishing when I can. Alcohol and drugs, attempted as a calming agent,  but toxicity and stupor do not help problem solving.

Programs like Fox news calms vast numbers of people due to super over simplification, including smooth clever sophistry which is not truth but deception.  That kind of deviousness eventually does not help our adjustment to reality, just worsening.  As a medical officer in our US Marine Corps Special Forces  one of my duties was to give instruction on the utilization of morphine, derived from opium.  Morphine has saved countless humans , in our wars more than tens of thousands.

It has no toxicity. Small supervised doses  ameliorates pain, diminishing overwhelming anxiety, plus moderates severe suffering.  In my practice opioids for many unfortunate  injuries has not turned into addiction. It was mercy.   But ,addiction can be a problem that is being worked on medically with some success.

Suicide of veterans, forever escalating amounts to more than 22 per day. Here to fore stable friends of mine have committed  suicide; one just hung himself. Strictly limiting pharmacy opioids is definitely not a solution to the enormous complexities within our society  and all of our culture, values, objectives and morality. We must study and learn.

What about the dangerous aspects for many of us like adolescents drowned in mobile technology? Computers in schools get between their mentors, their teachers and dilute a highly significant relationship ; in school my teachers, most of them, were my very helpful idols  I could go on book length about our society that is transforming into an inhuman entity, laden with insecurities even nuclear worries.  Achieving an authentic measure of some lasting inner peace can be a hardship, a real tribulation somewhat like achieving the peak of Everest in bad weather.

Solving exceedingly complex human societal problems at the pharmacy –an irrational joke. We must compose ourselves and take a much wider view.

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