Letter to the Editor / PUTIN’S PUPPET’S PUPPET
By Roger C. Kostmayer
Florida has already suffered more than 14,000 Covid -19 deaths, many of them unnecessary. How is it possible that after 8 months of horrific mistakes, our Governor and our entire society can’t accept the reality that only the scientists and medical experts should be listened to regarding both our health and the quickest and safest way to reopen our economy? Politics, profits, elections, impatience and ignorance have proven to be deadly sources for decision making.
One irony is that the Governor’s edicts are counter productive. The masks, distancing and accountability for violators are working. Infections are decreasing. But the Governor’s edicts put South Florida on a certain path to increased illness and deaths. Prudent citizens who are now trying to support local restaurants, businesses and neighbors, while following the rules, will be forced by DeSantis’ blind openings and mask freedom to retreat and do less in order to protect their families and friends.
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