By Roger C. Kostmayer

Not long ago, a majority of Americans believed they were getting bad Presidential choices for November 2024- two old white candidates with questionable VP candidates.  Today, 50% of that perception has changed dramatically, and the other 50% has gotten even worse.

Today, there’s only one old white (or orange) candidate – Trump – with a 39 year old VP back-up (JD Vance)- who is off to a terrible start.  Vance recently called for giving women who can’t, or don’t, have children, LESS voting rights  than women who do!  It’s hard to believe, but true.

After President Biden listened, he heroically put country and party before his personal desires, declined running for a second term – and endorsed Vice President Harris for 2024 Presidential candidate.  In a matter of a few weeks the Democratic Party miraculously united and  launched a popular campaign on behalf of two “ripe” and experienced 60 year old Democrat candidates who seem to not be: too old, too young or too incompetent to serve the American people well.

We won’t know the results of this drama until November, but it now seems certain that one political party has an old Presidential candidate who is a convict, and would serve in his 80’s if he won the election and lived, and an inexperienced and incompetent VP back-up if he didn’t.

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