Roger C. Kostmayer

In a matter of hours three historic events confirmed a terrible mistake. Russian President Putin and a cast of incompetent political opponents helped make someone who is un-American, anti-democracy, anti-US Constitution & the rule of law, and anti anything or anybody who doesn’t praise and please him – President of the United States.

The first event is the shocking presidential repudiation of American values established over 242 years by backing the Saudi crown prince who is responsible for brutally murdering an American resident and journalist who was guilty of – telling the truth; a second news event exposed an American President abusing his power by ordering the federal government and the DOJ to prosecute and persecute his rivals – which is illegal, unconstitutional, impeachable and typical of all dictators; and the final event was the lesser but flagrant hubris and hypocrisy of the President’s reaction to his daughter’s illegal use of a private server – especially in light of the continuing blood thirsty attacks against Hillary Clinton for a similar offense. Once again this shows the President’s belief that he, his family and cronies are above the law.

Any solution begins with Congress meeting its Constitutional responsibilities and investigating alleged presidential abuses of power. The US should get out of the Yemen war and refuse to deal with Saudi prince MBS in any way. The law must hold all public servants and advisors equally accountable -even relatives of a president. And, finally, the American people must speak out about American values and their “shining city on the hill”, or accept dictatorship.

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