By Roger C. Kostmayer

International acceptance of US hegemony is based, in part, on economic and military strength, but it is also based on America’s values, customs and conventions.  These unique national characteristics do not benefit adversary dictatorships like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and others, so we need to continue to earn this major advantage by doing what we know is the “right thing” even when it’s complicated.

One such example is the Iranian theocracy.  President Biden recently imposed sanctions on Iran and announced US support for Iranian protestors who are being arrested, tortured and murdered for demanding freedom. At the same time Iran is now helping Putin murder Ukrainian civilians by providing Russia with military weapons, AND, Iran is continuing its nuclear enrichment.  Obviously, our President’s initial response was a good first step, but it’s not an inadequate solution.

Iran’s supreme ruler, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has made a number of unacceptable decisions: nuclear; anti-Ukrainian military involvement; repressing, incarcerating and murdering women and children who ask for freedom.

Iran, under Mullahs like Khamenei, has become a dangerous pariah regime and the US and its allies (including Israel) must act unequivocally in a way that’s consistent with our values.

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