KWPD Earns Reaccreditation

Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg accepted reaccreditation from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation last week in Orlando. The commission approved recommendations to renew accreditation made by assessors in April.

“I want to congratulate the entire department for having attained reaccreditation,” Chief Brandenburg wrote in a message sent to the entire department. “This prestigious designation reflects the dedication and professionalism with which your serve on a daily basis.

“This award is recognition of this department’s commitment to providing the highest level of law enforcement service to our community and our visitors,” continued Brandenburg. “I am proud and honored to lead the professional men and women of the Key West Police Department who embody our core values of respect, integrity, fairness and service.”

Chief Brandenburg gave particular accolades to Officer Jason Castillo and Accreditation Manager Linda Mack for their hard work on the entire accreditation process.

Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels, President of the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg, Accreditation Manager Linda Mack, Sgt. Jason Castillo, Capt. Randy Smith, and Lori Mizell, the Commission’s Executive Director.

In April, a team of state assessors spent three days scrutinizing all aspects of the department to ensure it meets the highest level of best practices standards for the state. Accreditation sets a high level of professionalism in a law enforcement agency. It’s a voluntary process that allows the department to constantly measure itself based upon standards set by its peers across the state. The assessments are conducted every three years, but the process itself is a daily practice in every officer’s career. It allows each to remain familiar with the department’s policies and ensures the most professional department possible. Accreditation ensures to the community a knowledgeable police department that provides the very best service possible to the community.


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