KWFD Completes Confined Space Rescue Training

Members of the Key West Fire Department recently completed the FLUSAR Confined Space Technical Rescue Training Course.

This highly technical rescue training is part of the Florida Urban Search and Rescue discipline that teaches how to conduct operations at a technical rescue incident safely and effectively. It focusses on hazard analysis, risk assessment, training level of personnel, and availability of and external resources.

Specials thanks to course instructors: Herb Tyler, Jason Sekula, and Steve Studly from National Rescue Consultants for their instruction and sharing their extensive knowledge and experience in FLUSAR Technical Rescue Training.

“I am extremely thankful to the members of the KWFD who take Technical Rescue Training classes to further their emergency response knowledge,” said Training Chief Greg Barroso. “It helps to strengthen our emergency response. I was also impressed with how our members remained focused, disciplined, and highly motivated throughout this difficult technical training class.”

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