KWAHS Pinhole Photography Teen Camp
Jaden Most, 11, watches Key West Art & Historical Society Teen Camp assistant instructor Lilly Magidson use a contemporary DSLR camera to photograph Pinhole Photography instructor Jodell Roberts and student Maddie Bock, 12, as they set up a pinhole camera exposure at Fort East Martello on Tuesday. Pinhole cameras can be made from a number of materials (in this case a can) and rather than a lens, a small hole is made that light passes through to expose the photo paper, which must be placed in the container in complete darkness. After exposing the paper, students go into the darkroom to process and print their images. Teen Camp: Pinhole Photography Session 2 begins June 26 and runs through June 30. For more information on KWAHS summer ArtCamp! and TeenCamp sessions, visit 2017. For teen workshop scholarship inquiries, call Adele Williams at 305-295-6616, extension 115.
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