During a recent awards ceremony, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg commended the Marine Unit for their continued professionalism.

“The Key West Police Marine Unit recently brought distinguished professional recognition and public acclaim to the department through its actions,” said Chief Brandenburg.

Officer Tyler Getchel, Chief Sean Brandenburg, and Officers
Michael Shouldice and Nick Revoredo.

In one instance, the officers of the Marine Unit, at the risk of personal injury, performed an extremely difficult rescue of a severely injured sea turtle. Working with Key West Wildlife Rescue and the Turtle Hospital, they embodied the dedication to duty of the Key West Police Department.

In another instance, through their keen perception, the officers of the Marine Unit prevented a possible vessel/watercraft collision that would have otherwise caused extensive property damage or serious bodily injury to a resident or visitor to this community.

“This Unit’s exemplary professionalism and dedication are to be commended,” said Chief Brandenburg.

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