Keys History & Discovery Center Presents Lecture About Cuban Missile Crisis

The Florida U-2 Pilots are Focus of Talk

Islamorada – Keys History & Discovery Center PresentsAbove & Beyond: JKF and the Florida U-2 Pilots During the Cuban Missile Crisis, a lecture on Wednesday, March 4, with New York Times Bestselling Author Michael Tougias.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., lecture begins at 6 p.m. The lecture is at the Keys History & Discovery Center and Islander Resort Conference Center, MM 82. A large audience is expected. Secure your seat with an advance registration at 305-922-2237 or [email protected].

In this presentation based on his book Above & Beyond, Tougias chronicles the 13 harrowing days of the Cuban Missile Crisis and then outlines the steps President John F. Kennedy made to reach a decision on a course of action. Special emphasis is given to the heroes of the crisis – the U-2 pilots who flew from Orlando to Cuba to secure the photographic proof that the Soviets were installing nuclear missiles on the island.

Join us as he entertains with the dramatic chronicling of the Cuban Missile Crisis while providing useful analysis of JFK’s process of tackling major decisions in practical ways that others can learn from and adopt. It’s an especially timely topic today with current tensions with North Korea and Russia.

Appetizers and a cash bar will be available. Members are free. Non-members cost is $10. Reservations to be made at 305-922-2237 or [email protected].

For more information, call 305-922-2237 or go to

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