Key West Zonta Club Announces Breast Cancer Screening Event
Key West, FL – August 2, 2017 – The Zonta Club of Key West in partnership with Womankind and Department of Health in Monroe County will be offering breast cancer screenings, vouchers and breast exams for women without health insurance or who are underinsured.  The Screening Event will be held at Womankind located at 1511 Truman Avenue, Key West on Saturday, August 19th from 9am-2pm. FREE continental breakfast and door prizes will be provided.  Screenings are by appointment only Call Mechelle at 305-304-9117.
This event is one of several Community Service Projects sponsored by Zonta Club Key West.  The breast cancer screenings are funded the Annual Zonta Key West ABC (Awareness Breast Cancer) 5K Walk/Run the first Saturday in November.
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