Key West Sunrise Rotary installs 2017-18 president and board

Gena Parsons, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation communications and outreach specialist, leads the Key West Sunrise Rotary Club as president for 2017-18, succeeding NAS Key West public affairs officer Trice Denny, who continues to serve on the club’s board as past president.

Other club officers are George Wallace, president-elect; Stephanie Griffiths, treasurer; Dave Geller, treasurer-elect; Matt Babich, sergeant-at-arms and George Lindner, parliamentarian. Board directors and committee chairs include Scott Duszynski and Ron Demes, community service; Mark Moss, membership; Roger Cousineau, publicity; Stan Rzad, international service; Sue Fowler, administration and attendance; Sean McCoy, programs; Carl Stevens and Bob Eadie.

The Key West Sunrise Rotary Club in the Conch Republic, established in 1988 as the first Rotary Club in Key West to admit women, provides community service, supports charities and funds college scholarships through events including BrewFest and a golf tournament. The club meets on Fridays at 7 a.m. at the Marriott Beachside Hotel.

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