Key West Man Convicted Following Reckless Driving Incident

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office announces the conviction of Jose Sanchez for reckless driving and fleeing and eluding law enforcement on the evening of May 17, 2023. Officer Thornbrugh of the Key West Police Department, while on patrol on the 1600 Block of N. Roosevelt Blvd at approximately 10:20 PM, spotted a white Ford Mustang driving in a dangerously reckless manner, due to excessive speed,  speeding in a no-passing zone and engaging in actions that nearly resulted in several collisions.

Mr. Sanchez attempted to evade the police by disregarding stop signs and traveling on the wrong side of the road. His actions ultimately led to his arrest by police officers at the scene, after a coordinated effort involving multiple law enforcement officers and alert citizens.

Mr. Sanchez faced multiple charges, including reckless driving and evading police. “This conviction sends a firm message about our community’s intolerance for hazardous driving behaviors and our focus on public safety,” said State Attorney Dennis Ward. “We commend the effective response of the Key West Police Department and the aid provided by the community, which ensured a resolution without further incident.”

Jose Sanchez pleaded no contest in a negotiated plea and was adjudicated guilty by Judge Mark Jones. His sentence includes 48 months of state probation and 100 hours of community service. Additionally, he must attend an advanced driving school and a Faulty Thinking class within the first 18 months of his probation. A fine of $538.00 was imposed, and his driving privileges have been revoked for one year.

State Attorney Dennis Ward concluded, “This outcome emphasizes the serious consequences of ignoring traffic laws, reinforcing our commitment to uphold public safety and legal responsibility.”

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