An interesting editorial in yesterday’s South Florida Sun Sentinel. Titled: “Lies, damn lies and Donald Trump.”

A right on quote from the editorial: “Former President Donald Trump is as unable to tell the truth as ever, but his lies these days look less like deliberate obfuscation and more like self-delusion and a diminished mind.”

What he accused Biden of now clearly affects Trump. Age and pressure.

The editorial points out at a recent Mar-a-Lago news conference, National Public Radio documented 162 untruths, half truths and distortions during the 64 minutes Trump spoke.

The editorial further projected: “He’s not all there.”

Louis asks: Do you want this now clearly demented individual running the country and the world?

I think not.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a master with words as well as the artist’s brush. I came across what constitutes a superb follow up to the Sun Sentinel’s editorial about Trump lying.

Da Vinci said: “To lie is so vile, that even if it were in speaking well of godly things it would take off from God’s grace; and Truth is so excellent, that if it praises but small things they become noble.”

Da Vinci was saying lying is a wholly reprehensible action, considering the destruction and chaos it is sure to bring about. Telling the truth, on the other hand, can highlight the value and virtue of even the littlest of things.

I consider myself to have been fortunate to have viewed Da Vinci’s The Last Supper twice and The Mona Lisa once. As I have repeatedly stated in past blogs, The Last Supper blew my mind!

Trump is on the move with name calling. Referred yesterday to Harris as “Comrade Kamala” and her “Socialist” price control plan as “full Communist.”

At least she has come up with a plan to fight high grocery costs. Where’s Donald’s?

News reports this morning suggest Putin’s reactions to Ukraine’s Russia invasion indicates Putin “freezes” in a crisis.

The making of a movie involves financial investment. Sometimes huge. If the film fails, many lose a ton of money.

Two major films were considered shaky investments. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Titanic. Unbelievable!

Walt Disney’s wife Lillian didn’t think children would want to see Snow White. Walt Disney sort of believed her. Who would want to sit through a 90 minute Brothers Grimm fairy tale? Kids simply would not.

Snow White surprised one and all! One of the greatest films for kiddies and adults alike! A moneymaker besides!

James Cameron prayed Titanic wouldn’t lose too much money. After blowing past multiple deadlines and budgets, Cameron said, “Everyone thought they were going to lose money, and all efforts were simply to make sure the hemorrhaging was not fatal…..myself included.”

Titanic turned out to be one of the biggest moneymakers of all time!

I have decided to walk Home Depot on days I am not doing physiotherapy. There was a time years ago I use to walk all of the building with no trouble. Even with a new heart valve, Home Depot is proving a challenge.

Just getting in the store is my major problem. There is a slight incline from the parking lot into the store. That minimal height and distance knocks me on my ass. And it is only the beginning of my walk. I have to sit down soon after entering the building for a few minutes.

I am only good to do about 25 percent of Home Depot. Requires a second sit down along the way.

I sense an improvement, though small. I plan on continuing till I do the whole place with no need to sit down.

My therapists are ok with what I am doing. I am not foolish. There is a need however to improve how much I can do. They even have me practicing increased height elevation on a tread mill to get me over the incline problem.

A heart attack at my age no fun. There is a joy however to know I am still here and can improve my body to stay a while longer. Try I must and that is what I am doing.

Enjoy your day!

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