Bess Levin is always right on. An informative investigative reporter. Always a pleasure to read her articles in Vanity Fair.

Her recent article is: Trump Plans to Use an 18th-Century “Alien Enemies Act” for Mass Deportations. The article is dated October 15, 2024.

The article short and to the point. A portion is set forth.

“The law was previously invoked during the War of 1812, World War I, and World War II.

From the decimation of reproductive rights to pardons for people convicted of participating in the 2021 attack on the Capitol, there are many reasons to fear Donald Trump winning another term in office. Extremely high up on the list? His vow to “carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” which he apparently plans to do by invoking an 18th century law previously used during times of war.

Axios reports that the former President has been detailing the mechanism through which he would deport millions of people: The Alien Enemies Act of 1798, which was signed by John Adams and allows the government to detain and remove immigrants where there is “a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government.” The act, as the outlet notes, has been involved just three times – during the War of 1812, World War I, and World War II – and can also be used if “any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government.”

During a campaign stop in Aurora, Colorado, last week, Trump said he intends to us the 226-year-old law to target “every illegal migrant criminal network operating on American soil.” While it cannot be used against American citizens, the U.S.-born children of immigrants – including those who came to the country legally – could still wind up detained…..the Alien  Enemies Act is an archaic law that could be used to infringe on people’s Constitutional rights – which might explain why Trump’s a fan. In a statement the Trump campaign’s national press secretary told the outlet that the ex-President will indeed oversee mass deportations in a second term, adding he plans to use mechanisms like the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to do so.”

Scary. Old.

Trump says he is going to put the “bad” ones in jail immediately. Like the first day. Who are the bad ones” How is such determined?

Enjoyed last night. Did Happy Hour at The Grand with Steve and Cindy. Tuesday regulars there. Eddie and Christie. Matt bartending.

Surprise of surprises! Felt arms around my back and lips on my neck while I was sitting at the bar. It was Jean Thornton! I have not seen her in months. She is back for a while. Joe will be down next week.

I slowly am expanding my horizons re eating. Last night, a big step. Ordered a whole meal. Osso buco. The veal was delicious. The vegetables even better. For some reason, my taste buds are sensitive to taste. Some things so good! The vegetables were spectacular! As good as the Oreos and grilled cheese sandwich.

Swallowing still a problem. I work on chewing everything. Still screwed up one time with the veal. Had a difficult time because of it. Makes me wonder how babies and young kids learn they have to chew. Don’t think they do. It comes natural. However, when you’re 89 and have to learn again takes effort. I’ll get there.

Jean reminded me yesterday was the opening of stone crab season. We generally get together to enjoy some as soon as possible. I do not know whether I am ready yet. A lot of chewing involved.

This morning my annual primary care physical. Dr, Norris the man!  I am blessed. I have two great professionals overseeing me. Norris and April Gallagher. I have had the best in New York and Boston treat me. All good, none better than these two. I am lucky.

At 89, if it isn’t one thing, it’s another. We got my heart under control. Now its my back, groin and left thigh. Frequent pain the last 6 weeks. I stopped physiotherapy because the pain was increasing with each session. Norris has ordered an MRI of my lower spine. No problem at my end. The pain has become frequent and occurs off and on daily.

My heart problems taught me a lesson. I thought I knew everything. Every time it was suggested my heart might be having problems, I waived it off. Did not test further. Smart ass me was wrong. I could have died. If it were not for April Gallagher, I would have. From now on I will listen loud and clear when I get medical advice. No arguments from me about testing, etc.

Enjoy your day!

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