Trump dislikes soldiers, veterans and now Jimmy Carter. He admires the likes of Putin, Erdogan and Kim Jung Un.

Jimmy Carter is still alive and kicking. God bless him! He recently celebrated his 100th birthday. Rather than congratulating him, Trump mocked Carter. A man who has spent the last 19 months of his life in hospice. Trump refused to label Carter the worst President in U.S. history. The title was Biden’s, he said.

Trump claimed by his labeling Biden the worst, he made Carter “the happiest man because Carter is considered a brilliant President by comparison.”

Carter has spoken out against Trump for several years. In 2018, Trump was “very careless with the truth.” In November 2023 just before his wife Rosalynn died, Carter said, “I think he’s a disaster…..In human rights and in treating people equally.” Carter’s words were followed by his wife Rosalynn’s who died that same month: “The worst is that he is not telling the truth, and lies about everything.”

Trump’s meanness is exposed at every turn of his life. In addition to his being known as a liar. The “qualities” that will reflect his life historically after his death.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s immunity decision was another pro-Trump decision in a recent batch of such by the no longer independent Court. It was thought to “kill” the January 6 case against Trump. The imposition of “official acts” versus “non-official acts.” It was thought by many to end any responsibility on Trump’s part for January 6.

Do not underestimate Special Counsel Jack Smith! He redid the government’s pleading against Trump to comply with the decision. One hundred sixty five pages. The Judge permitted its publication yesterday. Wow! Smith is earning his salary! A remarkable legal work. Trump is back in the case. All his down and dirty deeds spelled out consistent with the errant Supreme Court decision.

Especially Trump’s attitude and actions re Pence. Including not caring about his possible death. Smith spelled out the many persons involved in Trump’s scheme even in the days and planning leading up to January 6.

The important thing at the moment is the Judge’s permitting Smith’s response to be published. It should have been. But who knows what judges will do these days. The American people have a right to know how devious Trump and his friends were in trying to block the January Constitutional certification of the votes of each State.

The publication and truth it reveals in glaring detail will cost Donald a few votes.

Hurricane Helene a disaster. No question about it. The worst hurricane ever to hit the U.S. Ten states involved. The destruction unbelievable. Deaths now at 190, with hundreds of persons still unaccounted for. The number will rise significantly.

It appears Biden and Harris’ people are doing their best. Beyond their best. They have everyone moving their asses to get water and food to those in need, as well as making power repairs, etc. Some will complain. Can’t blame them. In such an horrific situation, help cannot come fast enough no matter how fast.

Biden and Harris toured some of the battered areas yesterday. Biden is returning today. People need to see their leaders in addition to getting the help required. People want to know their leaders care.

Trump visited first. Criticized Biden and Harris. Said places like Georgia were being ignored. Trump claimed Georgia’s Governor Kemp could not get to talk with Biden. Trump lying again. Both Kemp and Biden jumped in to challenge Trump. They had been talking. Kemp was satisfied with the help he was getting. Even so far as Biden telling him to call him directly for anything.

Which brings me to how “good” Trump was in helping Puerto Rico. Recall Hurricane Maria and the number it did on Puerto Rico in 2017. Whole neighborhoods are still waiting 7 years later for assistance. Trump ignored Puerto Rico. Apparently intentionally

Trump visited Puerto Rico. Remember the help he brought. He threw rolls of paper towels to people. When they needed water, food and money.

The Mayor of San Juan and others said there was no help forthcoming or very little. Trump disagreed and in effect referred to them as cry babies.

Turns out Puerto Ricans were speaking the truth. The island is still in need of massive assistance. Seven years later. It was revealed thursday by the U.S. Office of Inspector General that Trump blocked $20 billion initially and more of it still has not been sent to Puerto Rico. It was further reported that Trump back then told top White House officials “he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico.”  This information has only recently been brought to Biden’s attention and he has ordered the money released.

Further word is Trump said at the time he wanted money sent to Texas and Florida rather than Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s hurricane not kid stuff. Almost 3,000 died.

Trump…..Everyone’s President?

Trump still at it with Springfield. He said yesterday, “They have to be removed.” The cats and dogs? No, I assume he was referring to the Haitians.

The Longshoremen’s strike not what it appears. Politics involved. A bad time to strike. But, get what you an at the best possible time I guess.

It is not salary which motivated the strike. The dock workers make $39 an hour. They are seeking a $5 an hour raise over the next 6 years. The issue from their perspective is automation. It’s coming. Around the corner. Humans required to work the docks will be few. Robotic machinery will do it. What happens then to today’s employees. A proper issue. However lets be upfront about it. Automation and  not wages the issue. Biden’s team and the Union make it look like wages.

“The shot heard around he world.” Historically the first shot of the Revolution at Lexington and Concord. Verbalized in an 1837 poem titled Concord Hymn.

To baseball fans, Bobby Thompson’s home run in the 9th inning of a National League playoff title game played this day in 1951. The New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers had ended the season tied. A three game playoff was ordered to decide who would represent the National League in the World Series. There were no play offs back then as today.

The Giants and Dodgers each won a game. The third was for everything.

It was the bottom of the 9th. The Dodgers were winning 4-1. This was it for the Giants.

The Giants got it to 4-2 by scoring one run. The Giant’s Thompson came to the plate. Two men on base. He hit a home run thrown on a pitch by Ralph Branca. The Giants won 5-4. Everyone went crazy! Those at the game, the radio announcer, no TV at the time, everyone listening on the radio around the world. Thompson’s home run became “the shot heard around the world!”

I recall it distinctly. Everything was baseball back then! I was working at my after high school job at the McHarris Super Market at the time stacking canned goods. The game was being played on the radio for everyone to hear. When the home run was hit, everyone yelled and screamed, including me, at McHarris’, the ball park and over the radio.

A game not to be forgotten. Thompson and Branca recalled also.

Interestingly, two days earlier Branca had given up a home run to Thompson also.

I close with a bit of O. J. Simpson.

October 3 the key day.

On that day in 1995, Simpson was found not guilty by the jury in the criminal case against him for the murder of his wife Nicole and her boy friend.

On the same day 13 years later in 2008, Simpson was found guilty of holding up two sports memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas with a gun and sentenced to from 9 to 33 years in jail He was paroled in 2017. Many thought the guilty finding in this case was poetic justice for the not guilty decision in the death cases. Many in the U.S. considered Simpson guilty re the killings.

Enjoy your day!

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