Temperatures are rising. Trump and his people lying even more. Encouraging destruction of the America we know.

Violence encouraging words were spoken at Trump’s Butler rally saturday. Trump, his son Eric and Vance stated clearly Democrats planned the assassination attempts on Donald. Son Eric said, “They tried to kill him.”

Republican leaders are suggesting only a civil war will resolve what they view as the evil that is America these days. The suggestion even stronger when the idea is being floated that if Trump were to lose the election, a civil war is inevitable.

Provocative talk. Lies. Scary. Wrong.

I read on the internet yesterday re Donald Trump when he speaks: “If his lips are moving, he’s lying.”

Trump’s fruit cake approach to problem solving is evidenced by his recent statement re shoplifters: Police should violently assault such Americans for “one rough hour.”

Hurricane Milton intensifying. Still over Gulf waters and is a Category 2. Expected to hit landfall in the Tampa area wednesday as a Category 3. Surges will be big again. Heavy flooding expected.

America being abused. FEMA will be strained. We’ll get through it all, however. Americans always do, one way or another.

The October edition of Vanity Fair carries an excellent article re the Catholic Church and its marriage with the Republican right. I recommend its reading to you. Detailed. Worth the time spent getting through it. The article is called Bad Faith. Its author Kathryn Joyce.

I searched for the article after reading at another place that the Knights of Columbus had in effect joined with the Catholic Church it supports in becoming MAGA thinkers.

I once knew the Knights of Columbus well. The KC to many.

Utica had a magnificent building housing the KC. My Dad joined when I was very young. I never knew it to be political. I became a member myself. A Fourth Degree member. I started using the KC when I was 5 years old. I learned how to swim and play basketball there. Their gym housed my high school’s basketball games.

Members went to enjoy the edifice. Not think or talk politics. The pool tables, shuffleboards, friday fish fries, bowling alley, bar, swimming pool, showers, etc.

Every year for many years I recall a sunday set aside for a KC Communion Mass at a particular Church. Followed by several hundred members walking down Utica’s main street to a Communion Breakfast at a large hotel. A big deal! A proud Catholic sunday morning.

I have not been active with the KC for decades. From what I read, it is not the same. It has become a political arm and is in bed with the U.S. Congress of Catholic Bishops. The organizations are anti-Pope Francis.

The Catholic Church today is not what it was when I was growing up. Churches and schools have closed. Dissidents now control and are some kind of mongers. I support Francis. Those that do not, even if priests and bishops, are political hacks more than men of God on Earth to save souls.

I sensed the Catholic Church changing when I was in college. Interestingly, I attended Manhattan College. A Catholic institution. I began my separation from the Church while a student at Manhattan. Today, I am a fallen away Catholic. Does not make me happy. Hard not to be a Catholic when you grew up one.

Came across a list of historical oddities yesterday. Selected a few to share with you.

Hitler’s childhood doctor, Eduard Bloch, was a Jew. He was given special protection by the Gestapo. Hitler’s mother could not afford cancer treatment. Bloch reduced his prices. Teenage Adolf declared undying gratitude. When Austria was annexed, Hitler kept his word to the Jewish doctor.

George Eyser was an American gymnast who had a wooden leg. He competed in the 1904 Olympics. He won 6 medals: Three gold, two silver and one bronze.

Uncle Sam was given a wife in the 1920’s. Named “Aunt Sammy.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture ran a radio show for farm owners which Aunt Sammy hosted.

A Trump type ploy. Mao Zedong initiated a crack down on people with wrong opinions and free discussion. He asked for their opinions freely claiming no recourse against anyone. After receiving them, he cracked down on those who said the wrong things.

In the 17th century, coffee was thought to make men impotent. In an attempt to restore their husbands’ virility, a bunch of London women petitioned against coffee houses.

Bankers have always been considered whores. Even today. Nothing has changed concerning them. In the 18th century, the British Parliament actually debated a resolution for bankers to be sewn into sacks with snakes and dumped into the Thames River.

Supermarkets beware! One of the causes of the French Revolution was the price of bread. In the years preceding the Revolution, the price of bread rose to 88 percent of a laborer’s income. Prior thereto, the average worker spent half of his daily income on bread. In the 2 years prior to the Revolution, the grain crop failed. Such caused the cost of bread’s rise to 88 percent of wages.

The 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis was a “big day” for the USA. Two new items introduced. Carrier with the demonstration of his air conditioning invention. Visitors also experienced their first hamburger.

Enjoy your day!

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