Trump was convicted on all 34 felony counts. The jury returned its verdict on its second day of deliberations.

Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his ascent to the White House in 2016.

He is the first American President to be declared a felon, a stain he will carry as he seeks to regain the Presidency.

The 34 counts broke down as follows: 11 counts related to invoicing, 12 counts related to ledger entries, and 11 counts related to checks.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 11.

Trump was released on his own recognizance pending sentencing.

Without question, Trump will appeal.

Trump’s sentencing date July 11 has another historical significance. It was on July 11, 1804, that Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr fought a duel. Pistols were used. Burr killed Hamilton.

The two had been political enemies for years. Came to a head and conclusion at the duel.

Trump will campaign as a martyr. He did it “for us.” He’s “fighting for our country.” Claims he is a “political prisoner.”

Don’t buy it folks.

A comment by a reader in this morning’s Washington Post: “I’m amused by the fact that the old racist and antisemitic was brought down by a woman, an Hispanic judge, Jewish attorneys, and a Black man. Truth, Justice, and the American Way.”

A federal judge has ruled Wisteria Island is owned by the United States. Losers in the case were the Bernstein family and other private parties.

The decision ends a 13 year battle. Appeals likely. So the decision is not the end.

The U.S. victory is a big deal only for the government. A hollow one, however. What will the U.S. do with Wisteria? Probably nothing, which is what it did for decades before the 13 year battle began.

A contrary resolution would have been better. Development would have occurred. Another Sunset Key. A hotel, homes, condominiums, a major restaurant, etc. Much better than a “bare ass” tiny island sitting out there like a sore thumb.

Key West was cheated out of another Sunset Key. Wisteria will be a “squatters’ paradise.” A residence for the homeless.

Justice sometimes takes time. Adolph Eichmann’s execution an example.

Eichmann was a Nazi official who played a significant role in Hitler’s Holocaust. It took years to catch and punish him. He was hanged this day in Israel in 1962.

Clint Eastwood still enjoying life. Today is the actor’s 94th birthday.

Another famous individual is Joe Namath. The professional football player is 81 today.

Sister Joan: Telephone me. My phone got screwed up and I lost a lot of numbers. Yours one of them.

Enjoy your day folks!

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