He’s the world champ! Donald Trump as a liar.

He has a system too many. He takes something he did wrong yesterday and accuses someone opposing him today of committing that wrong.

The most recent example. Trump claimed this past week that FEMA did not have sufficient funds to handle Helene problems. He blamed Biden for the shortfall. Claimed Biden had used FEMA funds to help migrants.

Terrible, if true!

Not true, however.

In reality, it was Trump who used FEMA funds to deal with border wall and migrant problems in 2019. Nothing illegal about it. Presidents constantly move money around to get things done. It is called “redirecting.” Supposed to pay it back, however. Whether Trump did re the 2019 funds, I do not know.

Biden has never moved FEMA funds to cover other problems during his tenure as President.

The situation is borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Common in everyday life where possible. Common in running a government. Must be done openly and paid back, however.

Trump’s statement was fact checked by Fact Checker Newsletter who issued the background re Trump’s lie.

I rarely get into sports early in the blog. Feel other items are more important. However a Syracuse item which occurred last night belongs near the top of today’s blog. Syracuse played Las Vegas in Las Vegas last night. Great football game! Las Vegas #25 in the country. Undefeated at 4-0. Syracuse with one loss at 3-1.

Syracuse won in overtime 44-41. Syracuse quarterback McCord threw 60 passes, made 43.

Next saturday, Syracuse plays North Carolina State at North Carolina State.

Why is Elon Musk giving so much money to Trump? The Wall Street Journal reports this morning Musk said he plans to commit around $45 million a month, notice the “a month,” to a new super political-action committee. The committee is called American PAC. Others will be participating with him also.

Why so much? He wants favors from Trump as a President. Wrong! Musk wants more. Represents buying governmental influence. He wants to sit at the table with the big man. Not what our founding fathers had in mind when they formed our government. Not the way the U.S. should be run today.

Helene’s death toll up to 225. Seventy five persons remain missing.

What I am about to report is sick! Wrong! Make up your own mind.

Oklahoma is buying its public schools 55,000 classroom Bibles. Certain requirements involved: Must be leather bound or close to it and contain U.S. founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence.

There is only one such Bible available today. The one backed by Donald Trump and retailing for $60. Trump gets a piece of the action via a licensing agreement he has re the Bibles.

Trump refers to the Bible as the “God Bless USA Bible.”

Every nation has tried successively to avoid nuclear war, either by starting one or retaliating so a nuclear war is inevitable. Leaders and governments know only too well what could occur. That is the reason why a nuclear event has been avoided since World War II.

Except for Donald Trump!

Yesterday, he said Israel should retaliate against Iran by hitting/taking out Iran’s nuclear facilities. Such could easily precipitate a nuclear war involving  more than Israel and Iran. Yet, Trump’s advice was in support of nuclear proliferation when he said re Israel bombing Iran’s nuclear capacity: “That’s the thing you want to hit.” Said by Trump after Biden had said: “As long as they don’t hit the nuclear stuff.”

What’s wrong with Trump? Doesn’t he realize one nuclear attack is the key to allowing others? No one will be safe. Even the U.S. Including himself, Melania and Barron.

None of us want to live in nuclear fear. Persons my age remember how it was back in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s.

College students are not necessarily prepared for college. Book ready the issue. Colleges are complaining that “to read a book in college, it helps to have read a book in high school.”

The failure to have read earlier in high school contributes to the failure to be able to write. The basics. Like a sentence has a subject and a verb. Sometimes more.

I close with a shot at Publix’s high prices which continue to get even higher.

It appears Publix high costs are more so that most other supermarkets. The problem for consumers in the Keys is that Publix is the sole supermarket in most. Some will have the cheaper Winn-Dixie, also.

Publix prices keep rising. Slowly, but certainly. And frequently for the same item.

Prices skyrocketing! An internet article reflects it: Publix motto used to be “Where shopping is a pleasure.” Now it’s, “Bend over and pay up.”

Publix pricing policy simple: Up, up and away!

I complain and I buy only for one. Families have to be getting killed!

Enjoy your day!

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