Came across a photo in Facebook this morning that says it all about real estate prices in Key West.


Tropic Cinema’s sculpture of Marilyn Monroe a Key West icon. It was removed to prevent damage during Eaton Street’s recent facelift.

Now to be returned. Requires delicate hauling and some specialized work.

An unexpected expense for the non-profit cinema. Donations being sought. To donate:

DeSantis’ whacky rules going too far afield. He now wants to limit which flags a municipality may fly to four: American, State of Florida, Vietnam Veterans, and Firefighter Memorial flags.

Means Key West could no longer fly Conch Republic and Pride flags.

The idea as good as his recent reference to the Ukraine war as a “territorial dispute.”

The Key West Commission is adamantly opposed to DeSantis’ latest gambit.

Love it! A comment in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: “To the voices who can’t find the Crosstown Greenery, it’s the first right after you exit the Cuban tunnel.”

On this day in 1900, the unveiling of the monument dedicated by the citizens of Key West to the heroes of the Battleship Maine, who died in Havana on February 15, 1898, was held in the City Cemetery. More than 10,000 were present and viewed the procession.

Something I learned early in grammar school. Around the third grade: Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. The information appeared today in the Citizen’s History Section.

A phase of female discrimination struck down in Berlin. More aptly stated, permission to expose granted. Women will be permitted to go topless in Berlin public pools.

Equal protection under the law.

Hooray for the ladies! Hooray for the guys!

“Et tu, Brute.”

On this day in 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was assassinated.

An article by Bess Levin re Trump’s reaction to Michael Cohen’s anticipated testimony before the Grand Jury appropriately titled: “That Sound You Hear Is Donald Trump Shitting Several Bricks Over Michael Cohen’s Grand Jury Testimony.”

Justice awaits.

Got out yesterday. Lunch at Roostica. Excellent Italian food. Followed by a quick visit to Dr. Norris’ office.

Enjoy your day!

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