The Bible teaches me the way. Old and New Testaments alike. Basically, do good and avoid evil.

There are a few things in the Bible that have given me concern over the years. One is Lot’s two youngest daughters getting him drunk and having sex with him. Their purpose to bear children. They feared men were no longer available and it was their responsibility to assure children would be born to carry life on.

Incest clearly. Adultery, too. Yet the Old Testament makes no mention of negativity or punishment.

The whole story is found in Genesis 19: 1-38.

Lot was living in Sodom. Sodom and Gomorrah were nearby communities.. Both sinful. Homosexuality, adultery, pridefulness, lack of charity. The male deviance the most significant. Sodomite today is a pejorative term for male homosexuals.

God decided to destroy both places as punishment. He told Abraham. Abraham told God he had a relative Lot who lived in Sodom and was a good person who sinned not. Abraham asked the Lord to please save him. The Lord agreed. Turned out to be a package deal. God would save Lot, his wife and two unmarried daughters. He would not save Lot’s two married daughters nor their husbands.

Two angels were sent to Lot to warn him of the destruction and he and his were to leave Sodom. They were to ascend a mountain. Warned not to look back.

God rained fire, sulfur and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife failed to heed God’s warning. She looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

Lot and his two daughters ended up in a cave on a mountain called Zoar. They took up life in the cave.

Lot’s two daughters were virgins. They had a concern. It is assumed they were under the impression everyone other than the two of them and their father were dead. How was the human race to go on?

Knowing their father would refuse to have sex with them, they got him drunk on wine. One daughter each night. Each had sex with Lot while he was in a drunken stupor.

The girls got pregnant. Each bore a son. Their sons went on to become the first in a long line of descendants. Of course, the the young ladies were wrong about everyone else being dead. If they had waited, in due course they most likely would have learned the whole world was not destroyed. Only Sodom and Gomorrah were. So a human race existed without their assistance.

My question is why neither the Old nor New testament mentions any punishment for Lot’s two daughters. They committed incest and adultery at the very least. How does Christianity and Catholicism specifically accept their wrongdoing?

Leaves me in a quandary.

From the Old Testament to man on the moon. The man in question being Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon.

His mother Marion’s maiden name was Moon. She married Edwin Eugene Aldrin, a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. Together they created an American hero.

Buzz faced a major problem concerning his mother. She killed herself just before his lunar flight. Her reason being she did not think she could handle her son’s imminent fame. Strange, but that is what occurred and why.

After Buzz returned from the moon, he fell into deep depression and became an alcoholic. His mother’s demise of course bothered him. His life problems as an American hero were significant causes from his perspective. He was an engineer, fighter pilot and astronaut. Following his moon experience, he was required to do much public speaking which he was uncomfortable with and did not enjoy. He did not like being the person he was expected to be. Being a fighter pilot, astronaut, flying to the moon, walking on the moon, and flying back were basically no sweat for him. His new function as a hero was.

He was finally able to conquer his depression and drinking problem. However, it took till 1978. He has been sober since and interestingly easily talks about why he became so depressed and a drinker.

His teammates on that first moon flight were Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.  Both now dead. Buzz is 94 and still going strong. Physically in good shape. Looks terrific. And can talk without a problem re those dark days following his moon walk.

Enjoy your Day!

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