The numbers are out re September job growth. Phenomenal: 336,000!

Surprised me. Sure it surprised most of you. Democrats were hoping for around 180,000. Republicans lower and all over the place. I saw one prediction at 120,000.

Unemployment 3.8 percent.

Inflation, though constantly severely criticized by Republicans, continues to be the lowest of any major industrial country in the world.

So why all the negatives re the economy? People are not listening to Biden. For some reason, too many only listen to Trump. When will they learn the man knows little and also lies.

Pray tell, who will be the next Speaker? Going to be interesting. Don’t see it being resolved in one day.

Abraham Lincoln was a politician. He worked with everyone, both sides of the aisle, anyone who could help him. He knew how to give a little to get a little. A virtue few politicians know or practice today. They are hard ass/adamant in the positions they take.

Biden has a “hot potato” to deal with in producing aid for Ukraine in the near future. It will be destructive for our Nation’s image and his if he fails.

Biden errs in going ahead in building/completing one wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. He should have left the money sitting till a time came when he could use it as he saw fit.

Biden has to do something NOW with immigration. Too much out of hand. He has to stop anyone coming across the border, even the legals. At the same time, he needs to get financial help to the U.S. cities presently bearing the burden of the abnormal immigration influx.

Trump is terrific. It is now revealed that he disclosed nuclear submarine secrets to an Australian at Mar-a-Lago who in turn shared the information with others who then told even others. Some 45 persons learned these “secrets.”

Smith is investigating.

Giuliani hurting financially big time. The IRS placed a lien on his Florida condo because he owes around $550,000 in taxes.

Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, who was and is a major Trump supporter hurting big time financially also.

Amazing how everyone who got close to Trump is getting burned. Their problem is they went to bed with a dog who had fleas.

Putin suggests Prigozhin and his associates were drunk and that is why their plane crashed. The world is laughing at his representation. The general consensus is Putin arranged for the deaths.

On this day in 1927, the era of talking pictures arrived. “The Jazz Singer” opened starring Al Jolson singing.

Caused the motion picture industry to change abruptly from silent to talking films.

Eaton Street is in much worse shape than Flagler. Flagler’s manhole problem no comparison to the problems confronting drivers on Eaton.

The Senator Menendez and wife Karen corruption case has taken on a new twist. Something about an automobile accident in which Karen was driving the car car which resulted in the death of a pedestrian. Reports of the incident suggest a cover up. The Senator and Karen were not married at the time. Somehow she ended up with a new free Mercedes-Benz because of the incident.

Trump speaks insanely many times. Without sufficient or at times any thought. His most recent sounds like an order: “The Supreme Court must intercede” to help him with a “barrage of lawsuits.”

Amazing! One way or another, Trump is responsible for all of them. Following which he brings a multitude of generally baseless motions and appeals to delay things.

Enjoy your day!

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