John Denver died this day in 2007 in an aircraft accident. Reminds me of a meeting I and part of my family had with Denver.

A long time ago. Lisa had to be 7 or 8 years old. Mary Lourdes, Lori, Lisa and I were in New York City. Vacation time. A hot summer day. Heavy humidity. Lisa was not doing well walking. Constantly complaining.

It was time to get out of the heat. I took the family to a restaurant which I frequented often in those days. It has been so long its name escapes me.

Lisa would not give up being difficult. I told her when we were seated that movie stars frequented the restaurant. Of course, she did not believe me.

As we were eating, the table next to us became occupied. We all, including Lisa, recognized one of the persons seated. He was seated close to Lisa. It was the famous singer John Denver.

He began picking at Lisa’s french fries and talking with her. Made her day! Made mine! She stopped complaining and began believing her father knew what he was talking about.

Key West’s new City Commission met thursday. The meeting heated. Going to be an interesting time in City government the next few months. We need some give and take. Ergo, a good thing. The City needs shaking up. Things have gotten out of hand the past few years.

Not everyone agrees with me. A comment in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice reflects the same: “The City Commission meeting was painful to watch. Combative energy came from two of our new Commissioners and our outgoing Commissioner. Petty drama and cronyistic maneuvering for hours! No substance to be found! The Bubba system is back, baby! Sorry, public. You’re on your own.”

A Citizens’ Voice comment of value: “We need more affordable housing…..not more housing…..we need to convert expensive housing into affordable housing.”

Flooding still a Milton caused problem in Florida. Florida is flat. Flood water has to evaporate and/or slowly seep into the ground. Takes time. There is a lack of hills, water does not run off.

I find Trump’s positions amusing. One from 8 years ago when he vowed to “drain the swamp.” Now, he swims in it.

Trump’s mouth gets him in trouble again. The place Aurora, Colorado, this past friday. Trump claimed (falsely of course) that armed Venezuelan gang members were “invading and conquering” the community, “violent migrant animals…..barbaric thugs.”

Aurora’s Mayor Mike Coffman is a Republican. He said: Trump’s statements were “grossly exaggerated and have unfairly hurt the city’s identity and sense of safety.”

An early Trumpy. So described because of the number who attended a speech given by Evangelican George Whitefield this day in 1740. He preached to 30,000 people in Boston during the “Great Awakening.”

On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus made landfall on a Caribbean island he named San Salvador. Thought today to have been Watling Island in the Bahamas. Columbus believed he had reached East Asia.

James Doohan was a Canadian actor best known for his role as “Scotty” in the TV and movie series Star Trek. He died in 2005.

Doohan was in World War II. He landed in Normandy on D-Day. Seriously wounded. Shot six times: 4 in the leg, 1 in the chest (stopped by a metal cigarette case), and 1 shot blew off his middle finger. All from “friendly fire.”

On this day in 1842, the children’s rhyme Three Blind Mice was published in a London Book.

Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day fall on monday October 14. The holidays occur annually on the second monday of October. The first celebration of Columbus Day in the U.S. was held this day in 1792 in New York City.

On this day in 1920, Man O’War ran his last race. Man O’War is considered one of the finest, if not the finest, thoroughbred to have ever run. His record was 20-1. His only loss was by a neck at Saratoga to, would you believe, a horse named Upset.

Boeing’s problems the past several years have become onerous. Plane and personnel problems. The inevitable has occurred. Boeing announced it is cutting its work force by 17,000 jobs. Management says the reduction is necessary to assist in recovery. Tough actions required.

A birthday date worthy of mention. Saturday Night Live is 50 years old! Would you believe!

Another would you believe! Roni Di Lullo became concerned with sun getting in her dog’s eyes while playing frisbee. She invented “doggles.” Dog specific goggles. Secured a patent. Her business now sells $3 million of Doogles annually.

I close with Syracuse football.

Syracuse plays North Carolina State at 8 this evening . Syracuse 4-1, North Carlina State 3-3. Syracuse favored.

Enjoy your day!

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