Three comments to my blog yesterday basically the same. I expect more over the next few days.

How to Make America Great Again: DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP.

Simple, but true.

Trump is running a major campaign against real fact checks. Only a liar would be against them.

An Opinion piece by Eduardo Porter in this morning’s Washington Post says a Trump victory would make America poor again. Trump’s MAGA points involve shrinking the economy and lowering employment, raising prices across the board, and tanking the dollar.

Vote for Harris! Everyone, including Republicans. Save your asses and pocketbooks!

Harris and Cheney appeared together again yesterday. In several close states. Cheney told Republicans to vote for Harris and if they were asked who they voted for, there was no reason to tell anyone. Voting is private. Keep your choice to yourself if you have a concern.

The AP Favorability Poll released this morning shows significant movement by Harris. Harris leads with 51 percent to Trump’s 41 percent. The tide is slowly but surely turning.

Nixon used to say that a political race was like the tides. You had to finish on a high. I considered the trial of a case similarly. The last witness had to give my side a favorable shot. Harris’ campaign is moving in that direction.

We presently live in interesting times. Trump’s fault. I prefer calm.

A Chinese proverb comes into play. Could also be considered a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Interesting times means unrest, revolution, famine, that sort of thing.

Opposite are “boring times” which mean everything is good.

Pro-Palestinian protests are major concerns on college campuses. Republicans threaten to punish colleges that permit them.

My age comes into play again. I can recall when politicians used the same threat, etc. against civil right activists and anti-war protesters.

Teachers can be an influence in a young person’s life. Two were in mine.

When I was 6 years old, my parents bought a house in Utica. Our next door neighbor was a single matronly public high school teacher by the name of Mary Buckley.

Mary took to pushing my father and immigrant mother from day one that their son Louis had to go to college. I doubt without her “goosing” my parents I would have made it.

The other was Sister Gertrude. An elderly Sister of Charity at the Catholic high school I attended. She taught history. I acquired my love of history from her.

She was another that was adamant I had to go to college. Her cousin was  a Christian Brother at Manhattan College in New York City. He was Director of Athletics. Sister Gertrude arranged my admission through him. Also got me a partial tuition scholarship.

Young people need help some time in getting to college. Mary Buckley and Sister Gertrude were my benefactors.

Mitzi Gaynor was a great actress who died at the age of 93 last week.  Close your eyes and recall her singing “I’m in Love with a Wonderful Guy” in the movie South Pacific.

On this day on October 22, 1962, President Kennedy announced to the Nation that Russian missiles had been placed in Cuba. We were already concerned about war with Russia. A constant concern. The missiles did not help.

Kennedy handled the frightful situation well.

The confrontation reached a point several days later when Russian and U.S. war ships faced each other in waters off Cuba. A shooting war was imminent. We were watching everything live on TV.

Suddenly Russia blinked at a time the two war vessels were feet apart. The Russian vessel turned and began its return trip to Russia, with other Russian vessels.

I close with December 25 as Christmas Day.

December 25 was not always the official celebration of the day Jesus Christ was born. Not until Pope Julius I proclaimed it so in 350 A.D. Prior thereto, confusion existed. The correct date historically is thought to be August 21, 07 B.D. Depends on the calendar followed at the time. Julian, Gregorian, or what? Julius I solved the problem.

Echogram of my heart yesterday at the hospital. Always freezing cold inside. I’ve smartened up. Brought a sweatshirt with me.

Going to the hospital for tests reminds me of the old Regal Theater when I first came to Key West. So cold people brought blankets with them. I did.

Tonight, Happy Hour at The Grand. Hope parking is not a problem. Fantasy Fest.

Enjoy your day!

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