For centuries the Maya and Aztecs were the only ones enjoying the fruit of the cacao tree. Consumed during those times as a chocolate drink. The candy bar not yet in vogue back then.

In the 16th century, Spanish explorer Herman Cortez visited the Aztecs. He met their leader Montezuma who introduced him to the chocolate drink.

Cortez returned to Spain with the recipe for making the drink and several bags of cacao beans.

The chocolate drink quickly became a favorite of aristocrats.

Its delight spread throughout Europe and North America.

In 1847, an Englishman named Joseph Fry figured out how to create a chocolate paste to press into a mold thereby creating the candy bar.

We owe it all to Joseph Fry!

The chocolate bar was the basis for the subsequent candy bar.

In 1875, Henry Nestle added milk to the chocolate mixture. It made the chocolate bar taste better.

The next major discovery occurred in 1893 at the Chicago World’s Fair. The Fair featured chocolate making machines. Caught Milton Hershey’s eyes.. He was already rich from making caramel. One year later, Hershey was mass producing  the American candy bar.

The candy bar generally grew. Like so: Clark Bar (1916), Oh Henry! (1920), Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (1922), Baby Ruth and Milky Way (1923), Mr. Goodbar (1925), Snickers (1930), 3 Musketeers (1932), Kit Kat (1933) and Nestle’s Crunch (1938).

Candy bar production became mechanically big time in the 1940’s. The market was flooded with candy bar creations. To the tune of 40,000. Would you believe?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. betrays the Kennedy legacy. By endorsing Trump. No Kennedy since the dynasty began to this day would have done so, except for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Were it not for his birth name, RFK Jr. would never have amounted to anything but a crackpot on the fringe. He has sullied the Kennedy name and disrupted the aura of Camelot by spreading and conveying misinformation. The most dangerous ones when he undermines public confidence in vaccines.

I have been critical of RFK Jr. for many years. I have spread my feelings about him several times in this blog.

He touted himself as an environmental expert when at Pace University. I had a run in with him indirectly at the time. Some 40 years ago, I considered him an ass and still do.

His father he is not. I knew his father. RFK Jr. turned out to be different from his father and other Kennedys.

He can’t even campaign for the Presidency in “a wise fashion.” He put his “name” up for sale. Whoever would give him a job if elected. He wanted to work in the White House.

No way!

It appears he has finally made a deal with the Devil himself where he selling his “soul” to the “country store.” He announced yesterday he was “suspending his candidacy,” removing his name from the ballot in several states, leaving it on in others. He was “supporting” Trump. No public announcement of a job yet with Trump if Trump wins. However, I am sure a discussion was had. Whether promised, I would not bet on. Even if promised, I would not rely on Trump’s word.

Several of Kennedy’s brothers and sisters have come out opposing his candidacy and whatever else he is doing. They know he is a bad guy in this situation.

His sister Kerry Kennedy said on friday: “I’m outraged and disgusted by Bobby’s gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump. I think if he were alive today, my father would have detested almost everything about Donald Trump.”

Picking up with Jimmy Buffett in 1977.

In January 1977, Buffett released Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes. “Margaritaville” was part of the album. An all time hit!

Interestingly, Buffett claimed he  wrote most of the song in six minutes. Buffett said the song actually had negative portions re Key West. The negativity never grabbed the public’s attention. The public loved “Margaritaville” and Key West. The song actually increased Key West tourism.

In March 1978, Buffett released Son of a Son of a Sailor. It featured “Cheeseburger in Paradise” which reached number 32 on the Hot 100.

Margaritaville became so popular as a “name” that Chi-Chi’s stole the trademark to use as a drink special. In 1983, Buffett filed a lawsuit against Chi-Chi’s for so doing. Buffett won the lawsuit.

In October 1985, Buffett released the compilation album which included all of the “Big Eight” songs. It turned out to be Buffett’s best selling album. Sold over seven million copies by 2005.

In 1994, Buffett dueted with Frank Sinatra on a cover of “Mack the Knife” on Sinatra’s final studio album, Duet II.

Next, the album Banana Wind. Buffett wrote it in 1996 following his plane being shot at by Jamaican police who believed the plane was smuggling marijuana. With Buffett on the plane were his wife, Bono of U2, his wife and 2 children, and others.

The Jamaican government later apologized to Buffett realizing it had made a mistake. He was not carrying marijuana.

Tomorrow more of Buffett’s growth musically and otherwise.

I close with some Keys items.

Amazing how over the years, Key West’s big businesses have changed. For example, in 1894 one of Key West’s major industries was canning pineapples. The pineapples were grown in the Upper Keys and brought to Key West for processing.

On this day in 1894, the Wagner Canning Company of Key West closed its plant for the season after packing 50,000 cases of canned pineapples.

On this day in 1992, Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida. Destroyed the Upper Keys.

Homestead was wiped out.

I drove through Homestead 3 weeks after Andrew struck. Nothing was left standing. Zip! Absolutely nothing! It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped on the community.

Andrew was a Category 5.

The Citizens’ Voice this day: “Why is the Catholic Church calling me and telling me how to vote?”

The Catholic Church should not be so doing. Separation of Church and State a lost commodity in recent years.

Enjoy your day!

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