Key West Lou / HELENE…..

As expected, Helene bypassed the Keys. Heavy winds, however. Some flooding. Gray all day.

Schools, government offices and half the businesses in Key West were closed anticipating the worst. Everything will be open today.

As to the flooding, it basically came in from the Atlantic. Some streets 2-3 feet. Wind gusts 55-65 mph.

Part of South Roosevelt Boulevard was closed because of flooding.

Foolhardy surfers were out off Higgs Beach enjoying the waves..

A few people were absolutely crazy. Probably tourists not aware of the danger involved.  They were dancing and jumping around the Southernmost Monument as giant waves were jumping up and over it. They easily could have been swept out to sea.

Helene hit Florida way up north as a Category 4. Skimmed Tallahassee.

Atlanta under Helene’s wrath at the moment as a tropical storm. Flooding big. Pics on TV showed cars submerged up to their windows.  Flooding a good 4-5 feet. Six inches of rain already. Another 1-2 inches expected. A warning sign: A DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGH GROUND NOW!

One of Key West’s most famous bars is Captain Tony’s. Located on Greene Street just a block off Duval. It was the original location of Sloppy Joe’s.

A tourist/local’s place to gather. Once a morgue.

A huge fish sits outside on top of the front door, with its mouth wide open. A tradition has developed whereby people toss quarters up trying to get them into the fish’s mouth. I sense the quarters are a good source of revenue for Captain Tony’s.

Captain Tony and Jimmy Buffett were good friends. Buffett sang in the bar.

Captain Tony ran several times for Key West Mayor Won only one time. The one time was when Jimmy Buffett was his campaign manager.

One of Buffett’s famous songs is Last Mango in Paris. He wrote the song about his friend Captain Tony. The opening line begins: “I went down to Captain Tony’s / To get out of the heat / I heard a voice call out to me / ‘Son come have a seat!’ “

Captain Tony was married and divorced several times. His last marriage however lasted 38 years. He had 13 children via his wives. His claim to fame was he never supported a wife after he divorced her nor the children he had by her.

Nevertheless, Captain Tony was “arguably the city’s most beloved resident.” He was also respected as “the conscience of Key West.”

I only knew one of his children. A daughter. Toni Taracino, named after her Dad. She passed on a few years ago.

She grew up sitting outside her father’s bar singing songs all day. She absolutely loved him.

We were good friends. She spent many years as a concierge at The Marriott Beachside. She worked hard to keep her father’s memory alive. Every year for example on the date of his birthday, she would throw a party in his honor at Captain Tony’s. She always invited me.

On this day in 1909, the Monroe County Commission approved a contract to install a sewer line running from the court house to the sea for $575. Wonder what it would cost today?

Vice big business for the police back in 1954. On this day, Key West Police Chief Perez personally conducted a raid of the Mardi Gras Club on Duval Street. Three women were arrested for lewd performance of an indecent and immoral nature.

The way it was. The way it will never be again. On this day in 1955, Key West motels were waging a price war. Eight put up signs offering free rooms to tourists.

Citizens’ Voice today: There is a drop off box for damaged U.S. flags at City Hall.

New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams is in deep shit trouble. An indictment opened yesterday claims 10 years of free trips, hotels and dinners. Some money moving around. Primarily involving Turkey.

He’s got problems.

I had to cancel physiotherapy again today. Pain in lower left back, left side and left leg.

Enjoy your day!

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