America’s early history abounds in Indian tales. One of the most prominent involves Apache leader Geronimo. He was chased, captured and escaped many times. History and the movies fail to report his later year experiences.

In March 1886, Geronimo with a mere 150 troops was forced by General George Crook with 5,000 U.S. troops to surrender. He escaped one last time and was captured by General Nelson Miles in September 1886.

He eventually ended up at an Indian reservation near Fort Sill in the Oklahoma Territory.

What has rarely been reported is Geronimo became a successful farmer and converted to Christianity. He participated in Presidnet Theodore Roosevelt’s inaugural parade in 1905. He later dictated his autobiography which was published in 1908 as Geronimo’s Story of His Life.

The American flag has gone through 27 changes. Makes sense. Every time a state(s) was added, adjustments had to be made to the flag.

A difference of opinion exists as to whether Betsy Ross designed/made the first flag. Reliable sources say the Continental Congress released the first flag on June 14, 1777, a flag Betsy Ross had nothing to do with.

I have written about Betsy Ross in the past. A charming woman. Her sewing shop was actually a house of ill repute owned and operated by Betsy Ross. The girls in the back actually sold themselves as the wares.

Betsy was helpful to the new Nation, however. She spied on the Brits. Anything she or her ladies picked up from British soldiers was conveyed immediately to the Colonists.

Trump may be picking a fight with an equally tough guy. Perhaps even tougher. His new opponent fights hard. Generally on the side of truth. Not a grifter as Trump tends to be.

The man is Mark Zuckerberg.

In a letter dated August 26 to Congressman Jim Jordan and his Committee, Zuckerberg advised the White House had pressured Facebook to “censor” some COVID-19 content during the Pandemic. Trump denies such and threatens to see Zuckerberg is jailed for life.

Zuckerberg also printed his letter on Facebook and X.

Zuckerberg said his then decisions on hindsight would not be made today. Zuckerberg said, “We’re ready to put back if something like this happened again.”

Live and learn. Oh, so many times! In the Civil War, Confederate forces invaded the border state of Kentucky. Kentucky had declared its neutrality in the conflict.

I never knew till this week that Kentucky had declared neutrlity. Makes the Confederates look like shitheads.

At some point, Kentucky declared itself Union. Upset by the Confederate invasion. The state was a battlefield throughout the War. Kentucky remaining equally occupied. Grant himself led several battles in Kentucky during the War.

James Darren has died at 88. An aortic valve heart problem. Mine was operated on. I am not certain how his problem was worked on. My new valve saved my life.

I enjoyed Darren as an artist. An excellent singer. Played Moondoggie in three Gidget films. Played a dramatic acting role in Guns of the Navarone with Gregory Peck and Anthony Quinn. He was godfather to one of Frank Sinatra’s daughters.

A well liked as well as talented individual.

Ashley one of my physiotherapists. She just returned from a one week trip to Croatia. Great place, she said!

Ashley went with 10 friends. They rented a 70 foot yacht with a captain and mate. Had a ball!

Skipping Buffett today. Very tired. Had a multitude of things to do yesterday besides physio. Additionally, I got my COVID and flu shots yesterday. Knocked me on my ass last night and today so far. First time. I have had every COVID and flu shoot with no problem.

Buffett did everything. Multi-talented. Tomorrow films, television and soundtracks.

I close with my beloved Syracuse. They beat Ohio State in their opening game. Syracuse was favored.

Saturday at noon, they play Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech is a 3 point favorite.

Enjoy your day! I’m shot from the shots! Going to bed!

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