What’s wrog with people? The number of crazies seems to be growing.
One of the latest incidents involves a purported BLM leader and former professor. He was arrested after an Abraham Lincoln statue was discovered smeared in feces and paint. The statue was one of Lincoln seated. Its location a public park in Boise, Idaho.
The perpetrator a Terry Wilson. The police spotted him. He tried to run away. However, the police caught him.
His vehicle was found to contain a firearm, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia.
Many blacks believe Lincoln was not without sin. They are keenly aware the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in Confederate states. Lincoln feared they would be made to fight against the North.
Lincoln’s personal feelings re Blacks was well known at the time. Before and during the Civil war he had expressed himself re his adverse thoughts involving Blacks.
One is, “I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal.”
We are to quick in American society today to condemn what was consider valid when spoken, but is not so today. History is not stagnant. It is a moving story.
If we are going to find acceptable smearing a statue of Lincoln with feces, then we also should do the same to Washington’s Mount Vernon home and Jefferson standing in all his glory in the Jefferson Memorial.
Both were slave owners. Jefferson it is claimed even made pregnant a woman of color and their descendants are well known today.
Biden held his first official press conference yesterday. I thought he was terrific! Responded to each question, even where it was obvious the reporter was trying to sandbag him. Biden’s preparedness was obvious.
The reporters failed to distinguish themselves. Questions were repeated after answered. Reporters pushed when the question was so inappropriate that there was nothing to push.
I suspect one of the reasons for the poor questions and the manner asked was the age of most of the reporters. On the young side. Seeking a “gotcha” moment.
Biden looked like a President, acted like a President. He responded to questions knowledgeably.
At the end I felt comfortable. No one, whether a reporter or Kim Jung Un is going to rock his boat.
FOX News and Trump are birds of a feather. During Trump’s 4 years, I often thought FOX News bore the same degree of responsibility as Trump for spreading the distortion and lies of the truth.
Distortion was in vogue for FOX yesterday.
Trump had a 2 hole binder with him. He did not read from it. He did occasionally check to be sure his facts were to correct. FOX referred to the notebook as “cheat sheets.”
There is only one way for the filibuster to go. Out the door! Get rid of it!
Biden knows it, as does the rest of thinking Americans. Anything less than complete abdication of the filibuster will cause Biden to fail in producing that which is needed and he promised.
Reverting back to the old way and compelling long floor argument represents compromise. I understand the problems in getting around some members of his own party. He has to figure a way, however. He has been a member of Congress since he was 29. He knows all the tricks there are to know.
I hope he can get it done. Death to the filibuster a necessity.
McConnell evidenced this week that he is a cry baby. Though he cannot be accused of wetting his pants. At least, not yet. He told reporters the President has not spoken to him since he took office nor has he invited him to the White House.
It is obvious Trump knows his adversary. He has legislated with him more than 30 years. More importantly, he was Obama’s Vice-President for 8 years when McConnell did everything to block needed legislation supported by Obama. He jerked Obama around at every turn.
Biden obviously understands the axiom you can fool me once, but not a second time. Nothing wrong with Biden treating McConnell persona non grata.
Something I can understand. A University of California study was released this week. It reported that most Americans have gained 2 pounds a month during the pandemic.
I can understand. I gained no weight. However my stomach has gotten bigger while my pants have gotten smaller.
Tomorrow a big day for me! I get my second vaccine shot. It will also be my 392nd self-quarantine day.
I do not plan going out tomorrow night. My understanding is one should wait 2 weeks before mingling with people again. I can handle another 2 weeks.
Cocktails at 7 is in Key West. All the way from Seattle, Washington. Unknown to me till she arrived yesterday. Sent me an e-mail that she had arrived, was staying at the Pier House, had a reservation for dinner there also.
Meet me, she said. No, I said. I did not intend to blow the more than one year of self-quarantine I had suffered. I have only 2 weeks to go till I’m with Willie Nelson on the road again!
Her name is Cathy Hakola. She lived in Key West in the late 1980s at the “haunted house on Virginia Street. The former “Mercedes Hospital” run by Maria Valdez de Gutsens.
Maria is long dead. The story however is she still walks the floors and rooms of the former hospital. People claim to have woken at night seeing her with a hand on their head or touching an arm. Once seen she is gone.
Cathy says she believes the story. However never was touched by nor saw the good Matron.
As to what she observed last night on Duval was not surprising to me. Two other persons have told me the same thing since last weekend.
The people on Duval were not just spring beakers. Cathy says 50 percent were people in their 50s.
More observation data. Only 10 percent of all on Duval were wearing masks. She and her daughter visited a couple of Duval lady attire shops. Bought several outfits. Masks required.
Cathy has had a good and expensive time so far. In less than 24 hours. We spoke on the phone this morning again.
She rented a car in Miami to drive down. She told me she had become aware of a car rental company called Turo. They rent cars personally owned a couple of days a week. She rented a red Mercedes convertible. Claims it was “adorable.” Sounds it. They drove to Key West with the top down all the way. Cost: $175 a day.
Staying at the Pier House. Six hundred some odd dollars a night.
Cathy has always wanted a Mel Fisher gold coin neck piece. A good one she always told me. I assume the one she bought last night was a good one. Cost: $6,000.
My friend Cathy is having a good time.
I recommended Latitudes for dinner tonight. She was told they were booked solid for 4 months. I believe it.
Enjoy your day!
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