The Democratic Convention last night was a winner. Suggestive of the beginning of a new era. One of joy and happiness. Contrary to Trump and the Republican Party’s spewing of hatred and negativity.

One shortcoming re last night from my perspective. The time was not well organized. Ran too long. I was asleep before Biden came on. Missed what everyone this morning says was a great speech.

What I did see was a clear sign that Trump is being pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Two significant presentations were by Ocasio-Cortez and Shawn Fain.

Ocasio-Cortez hit Trump and Republicans hard. A well done accurate attack. She has graduated from a loud mouth Congressperson last night to a statesman. Her speech rousing.

Shawn Fain is President of the UAW. He wore a tee shirt boldly lettered: Trump’s a Scab. At some point the crowd picked up on the writing as a chant and it is one that will remain during the campaign as Jail Her for Hillary did for Trump.

Jesse Jackson was a Black leader of yesteryear. One of the first openly politically unafraid Black Democratic leaders.

I have not seen nor heard about him in years. He appeared at the Convention last night. In a wheel chair. Did not speak. Happy to be there. The crowd gave him a standing rousing cheer. Well deserved! He fought political battles for his people when it was hard to do so as a Black.

A comment to yesterday’s blog. Hit me right between the eyes. It’s author may be correct: “I’m beginning to think that Trump is the ‘False Prophet’ the Bible warns us about.”

Phil Donahue died yesterday at the age of 88. He was one of the early great talk show hosts. His show ran 28 years from 1968 to 1996. Our lives sort of ran parallel time wise.

He was married to the charming Marlo Thomas, daughter of Danny Thomas. Supporters and promoters of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Some things are just down right disgusting. One involves problems women have had over the years with contraception. The Colonial era a perfect example. One of the most popular forms of contraception was the use of crocodile excrement. Ugh!

It was rolled into a ball and then inserted into the woman before any physical act took place.

Caused all kinds of problems, medical and otherwise. Plus, did not always prevent pregnancy.

Jimmy Buffett time.

Jimmy Buffett’s early life.

Buffett was born December 25, 1946 in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Spent portions of his childhood in Mobile and Fairhope, Alabama. His parents Mary Lorraine and James Delaney Buffett Jr. died at different times in 2003. His father worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He had two younger sisters, Laurie and Lucie.

In his childhood, Buffett was exposed to sailing by his grandfather James Delaney Buffett and his father James Delaney Buffett Jr.

Buffett was educated by Jesuits (tough teachers!) as a Catholic. He served as an altar boy.

He decided in 1961 he wanted to be a musician after viewing a folk music ensemble. His first performance was a month later at a hootenanny, where he played a Stella guitar.

In the 1950’s at the age of 8 while attending St. Ignatius School, he played the trombone.

He graduated from McGill Institute in 1964.

Buffett enrolled at Auburn University. While there, he was taught how to play guitar by a Sigma Pi fraternity brother to “garner attention from girls.”

He flunked out of Auburn after one year. It was the playboy in him that caused his failure. It was 1966 and Buffett was “unable to balance his newfound interests in music and girls with his college classes.”

The same year he played “acid rock” in a band called Upstairs Alliance that was trying to sound like Jefferson Airplane.

Buffett continued college at Pearl River Community College and the University of Southern Mississippi. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in history in 1969.

While in college, Buffett had to work to subsist. He worked in a ship yard as an electrician and welder.

The Vietnam War was ongoing at the time. He avoided serving due to a college deferment and a failed physical exam.

Tomorrow, the beginnings of Buffett’s music career.

Enjoy your day!

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