Britain has ditched coal. Britain’s last operating coal power plant closed this week. Power primarily replaced by wind and solar.

Proves it can be done! Where there is a will, there is a way!

Wake up America! Britain is not the only country to rid itself of coal. Others include Iceland, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway. These countries have gone to hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants and geothermal reservoirs.

A big day in American politics yesterday. The “marriage” of two opposing political powers representing different political parties. Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney appeared together at a Ripon College Rally in Wisconsin. Its purpose for Cheney to once again pledge her support and vote for Harris in the pending Presidential election.

Cheney anti-Trump. Considers him “depraved.” Added even her father the former Vice-President was going to vote for Harris.

Cheney’s move a class act. Reflects she stands for the Constitution and democracy. Two things absent with Trump.

I found their appearance together and the words spoken, especially by Cheney, to be moving.

Many prominent Republicans have spoken out in recent weeks they are supporting Harris. Adding they just can’t support Trump for the reasons we all know. I wish Mitt Romney would do the correct thing and come out for Harris. I suspect he is trying to hold the Republican Party together. Better he shows the courage it takes to do what Liz Cheney and other prominent Republicans have done. Hold the United States together!

One thing confused me. We are in an era where men hug women, women hug men, men hug each other, and women hug each other. Harris and Cheney never hugged. They shook hands several times. I found it strange.

The Longshoremen’s Dockworkers strike is ended for all intents and purposes. Biden has been given credit. The strike began a few day ago. The dockworkers are back to work to today.

I discussed the “strike” yesterday. My opinion was it was strange. Dockworkers were earning $39 an hour. Not chintzy. They wanted a $5 an hour raise spread over 6 years. The numbers did not make sense. The real reason for the strike was political in nature I thought. The head of the union is a good friend and Trump supporter. Additionally, the real reason dockworkers were concerned is that it is anticipated robotic automation is going to take over their jobs in five years.

Now, the strike is over. Not really. It is “suspended” for 90 days. Gets it beyond the election. The workers have to approve it within that time or they are back on strike.

Another thing I find strange is the report that a 62 percent pay raise is part of the deal.

Whatever is going on, at least it will not affect the election and I suspect there will be some resolution within the 90 days so there is no strike.

The Helene death toll is at 215 and still rising. Hundreds of persons remain unaccounted for.

The insurance problem and its Florida impact came to light yesterday. Note the number is solely attributable to Florida. Insurance claims already total $657 million. Those are claims made. More will be forthcoming.

Trump continues to chant the economy stinks. He lies, of course. One proof of the pudding are the September new job numbers which came out yesterday.

Two hundred fifty four thousand. Clearly indicates the economy is doing well. Even gas prices are coming down. The major problem continues to be food. The cost of groceries. Off the wall!

I have been doing some reading on the issue. A lot has to do with who controls food growing, the supermarket chains that control sales, etc. It boils down to price gouging. Harris says she will do something about price gouging overall when she is elected. I believe her. She and Biden have handled the economy well. No one and nothing is perfect. Grocery prices stick out like a sore thumb. It hurts most Americans. Trump’s economic plan cannot be believed. His tariff plan is going to shove it up America’s ass! The only way it can be said.

Got a haircut yesterday with my friend of a quarter century Lori. My appointment was last thursday. she called wednesday and cancelled to this week. Gave no reason why. Not important. I have little hair in any event.

Yesterday, she mentioned why. She and her husband purchased a home up the Keys last year. I cannot recall which one. Lori does not like driving over the bridges when hurricane winds are predicted. Fifty to seventy mile per hour winds were predicted for last thursday. And we had them!

I close with a Happy New Year to my Jewish friends. Rosh Hashanah! The New Year began at sundown Wednesday October 2 and ends after nightfall today October 4.

Enjoy your day!

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