On this day in 1924, Key West’s Bayview Park was formally opened. Today marks its 100th anniversary.

Bayview is an item of pride even today. In fact, it gets better by the year.

Visit. Walk around. Bayview easy to appreciate.

Thelma Strebel authored “Reap the Wild Wind.” A story involving Key West wreckers. Her book was made into a film which was released in 1942. The film starred John Wayne, Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland, Susan Hayward and Raymond Massey.

Strebel lived in Key West for a time. On this day in 1940, she took out a building permit for $12,000 to build a house at 400 South Street,

Today’s Key West Citizen ran a lengthy article re yesterday’s  meeting concerning the Key West Hospital. A public meeting attended by 100 persons. Open participation.

The hospital is technically known as the Lower Keys Medical Center. Its lease with Community Health Systems ends in 5 years in 2029. A 30 year lease.

The Key West Commission arranged the meeting to get input from citizens in preparation to negotiate a new lease.

Concerns yesterday seemed to involve assuring that the lease be put out for bid rather than negotiated. The hospital is a money maker so should be attractive to many.

There will be more meetings.

One thing that may not be in the forefront of people’s minds is that the hospital serves a small group of people. Including suburban areas, I would assume 35,000 people. Whatever the number, it is small. I fear locals want the warranted small facility to provide all type services. Much more than now.

It does not work out economically. I am a frequent user of the hospital. For some things, it is Miami for service. No way could I have received the 5 weeks and 3 heart surgeries performed on me at Mount Sinai in Miami in Key West. We have to face up to it. We selected a small community to live in. We must be willing to accept limited medical services.

My concern is how the services provided locally are done. Waiting times are too long. Rarely are appointments kept by the hospital. You sit and sit. Also something should be done with the temperature. The place is an ice box. I once got a bronchial condition that lasted 3 weeks because of the delay in being timely serviced.

It is the small things that require attention. Anything more is unreasonable to expect from a small town hospital.

On this day in 1948, the independent state of Israel was proclaimed by David Ben-Gurion. President Truman immediately recognized the new nation.

Red Lobster has abruptly closed at least 48 of its locations in the U.S. Financial problems.

A mother died of cancer. Her 29 year old daughter was unaware how sick her mother was. Her Mom died 3 days after she became aware.

Cleaning up her mother’s apartment, she found a note her mother had hand written in 2010 which was stuck to the back of a pocket size black leather daily planner: “Life is not waiting for the storms to pass…’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Trump appears to be showing the stress he is experiencing at the hush money trial. The trial seems to be wearing him down. His nodding and appearances suggest he is falling asleep. Also, his mouth going slack and his head drooping into his chest, do not spell well he is handling the trial.

His comments outside the courtroom indicate the same. He rants, has made juvenile comments about Gettysburg, and occasionally slurred while speaking.

All of which raise the question whether Trump is ready to resume the Presidency.

Michael Cohen testified yesterday. He continues today.

The report is he did not sound like a jerk. He did well. His testimony a coup de grace to his ex-boss.

His testimony came off as calm.

He testified Trump approved the deals made on his behalf. He further testified Trump was worried about the impact of the Daniels story on voters, not his wife.

I believe Trump overall failed as President. Now he seeks to return. Are the people of the U.S. going to permit him to return to fail again?

My heart appears to be mended. Now, my teeth.

When I had the heart attack the last day of January, I passed out face first on the street. Lost my upper plate in the ambulance, smashed my lower implants from the impact. Working on both uppers and lowers now. Taking a long time. Valve replacement heart doctor said no implant work till May 22. Something about teeth work can lead to another heart attack. Primarily responsible for the delay.

I have not been eating. Cannot chew. Have lost tons of weight. Not complaining about that. Would like to be able to bite into a steak again, however.

Tonight, Happy Hour at the The Grand. I will enjoy a bowl of tomato soup. Add onto it a diet soda. Doctors have told me no more drinking. My new life! Sort of sucks!

Enjoy your day!

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