The assassination attempt last night was inevitable. Only surprised me in one fashion. I have been waiting for a MAGA crazy to attempt killing Biden.

Whoever really immaterial. Toxicity has no place in American politics. We have reached a dangerous place in American politics. One we should not want.

I now will be waiting for the next bullet to be shot. This one at Biden. Some whacked out Republican believing he has to get even for the shots fired at Trump.

I blame Trump for the shooting. He has riled up voters in this country to expect the worst and perpetrate the worst. January 6 being a worst example. His strategy backfired this time. A crazy Democrat believed it necessary to take things into his own hands.

The shooting does not change things. Keep in mind a Trump victory will mean a different country. Violence will be common place and accepted. Turmoil will rule the day. Trump has already told us the many changes he will make. Hitlerism will be a part of our daily lives. Why can’t everyone understand that?

Ruth Wertheimer died at 96. A well known sex therapist known to millions as “Dr. Ruth.”

Frank in her responses. She was a fireball. Did not beat around the bush. Interesting coming from a woman only 4 feet 7 inches tall.

A Holocaust survivor, she became the prominent sex therapist in the U.S. in the 1980’s and continued to be such for the next 30 years.

Another old timer has passed on. Richard Simmons. Only 76.

He ignited the fitness revolution in the 1980’s. He did a TV show. Viewers exercised with him. I did it for a couple of years.

He helped many with his program.

So much for Sunday. Enjoy your day!

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