War is down and dirty. The words of war also.
Words spoken yesterday in the Ukraine by a Ukrainian border security guard will forever be recalled in the history of the Ukraine: “Go fuck yourselves!”
Snake island is a tiny rock island sitting in the Black Sea. Thirteen Ukrainian border security guards were stationed there. Yesterday, a Russian warship approached and ordered the men to surrender. Their answer as expressed by one of the guards: “Go fuck yourselves!”
Last words honorably and well spoken.
Russian naval and air power bombarded the island. In a very short time, the 13 were dead.
They will be forever remembered.
Ukrainians are not taking the Russian onslaught lightly. It is their country and they are fighting for it.
Putin claims Ukrainians are Russians. If so, why are the people of Ukraine opposing the Russian blitzkrieg? Why is Russia killing and maiming Ukrainians?
“Fuck” is a term of choice that is being heard constantly during the conflict.
Reflected in a conversation between a Ukrainian woman and a Russian soldier. The woman heated and abusive to the soldier. Properly so as her words indicate.
Note the exchange between the two was recorded and has been read over 2 million times already in the past 24 hours on Twitter.
The woman told the soldier off. The woman asked who the “soldier” was and was he “from Russia?” The soldier said yes and further responded he was in the Ukraine on an “exercise.” He further asked the woman not to “escalate” the situation.
The woman responded: “How can it be further escalated? You fucking came here uninvited. Piece of shit…..You are occupiers, you are enemies.”
Putin appears to have misjudged his actions. The invasion results thus far cannot be what he expected. He has positioned himself for ultimate removal from office – deposed as other despots in history.
Russians do not protest. They are protesting big time with regard to the Ukrainian situation, however. Many do not approve. The last time I recall street protests of the nature going on in Russia was during the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Moscow and some 50 other Russian cities have protesters marching.
Videos of the streets of Russia show thousands. Seventeen hundred protesters have already been arrested in all of Russia. Note it is against the law to “protest” in Russia. The people do not care. The Ukraine invasion has rubbed them wrong.
The situation could get out of hand for Putin. It would not be surprising if he ended up hanging from a street pole in Red Square.
Chernobyl could turn into a disaster of significant consequence. Chernobyl is the community where a huge nuclear reactor facility exists.
Recall many years ago the reactor leaked. People today are still suffering the consequences thereof. Many of those yet to be conceived or born will show dire consequences. Babes born without limbs an example.
The Russians have attacked Chernobyl. Fighting going on at the moment. A leak will have the disastrous consequences already suggested. A leak of sufficient magnitude could easily flow into adjoining European nations.
Putin wants to historically be remembered as “one of the greats.” He is accomplishing it. He has already earned the right to his place in the Gallery of Despots. Next to Adolf Hitler.
Enjoy your day!
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