Key West Chamber of Commerce Hosts Successful Candidates Reception

Key West, FL – July 10, 2024 – The Key West Chamber of Commerce is proud to have hosted a successful Candidates Reception on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at the Tennessee Williams Theatre.

The event provided a vital platform for community members to engage directly with local candidates running for office. Attendees had the unique opportunity to hear firsthand from the candidates about their platforms, visions, and plans for the community. The event fostered an open dialogue, allowing for meaningful exchanges and ensuring that local voices were heard.

Throughout the evening, candidates responded to a variety of questions that covered a range of topics including local economic development, environmental sustainability, public safety and community services. The candidates’ thoughtful responses highlighted their commitment to addressing residents’ concerns and aspirations.

“The Candidates Reception is an important event that underscores our commitment to fostering civic engagement and informed voting,” said Kerry Baker, Executive Director of the Key West Chamber of Commerce. “We are thrilled with the turnout and the quality of the discussions that took place. It’s clear that our community is deeply invested in the future of Key West and the Florida Keys.”

The Key West Chamber of Commerce extends its gratitude to all the candidates for their participation, the community members who attended and engaged in this crucial civic function and the generous sponsorships from Lower Keys Medical Center, Opal Key Resort, Irish Kevins, Charley Toppino & Sons and Monroe Concrete that made the event possible.

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