Commissioners Lissette Carey and Jimmy Weekley, Chef Warren Leamard, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover was in attendance via Zoom.

Key West Celebrates Black Business Month with Proclamation and Recognition

Mayor Teri Johnston and the Key West City Commission have proclaimed August as Black Business Month.

National Black Business Month was founded in 2004 as an initiative to recognize Black-owned businesses, highlight their importance to communities and the national economy, and to encourage their continued development and success.

“Promoting and supporting Black-owned businesses is a critical step in addressing the racial wealth gap that persists in our country,” reads the proclamation, “rooted in centuries of slavery, segregation, and other institutionalized forms of social and economic oppression.”

Chef Warren Leamard, owner of Destination Catering and Events, accepted the proclamation wearing his white chef’s coat.

“Generally, when I dress like this I’m going to serve,” he said. “But today I’m being served.”

“Warren is a model for a lot of upcoming Black businesspeople we see in our community,” said Commissioner Clayton Lopez. “Thank you for being that leader.”

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