Key West Art & Historical Society Offers Workshop on Cataloging Your Photograph Collection

May 25, 2017— (Key West, FL).  Do you have a collection of old photographs that you’d like to organize but aren’t sure how to start? On Thursday, June 8 from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Custom House Museum, Key West Art & Historical Society hosts a “Cataloging Your Photograph Collection” workshop series that invites people to learn what museums do with their photograph collections, and why it is important to digitize, catalog or just simply preserve them for future generations. Space is limited to two students per session due to limited scanning stations; pre-registration is required.

“The Key West Art & Historical Society has, with the aid of a volunteer, digitized a substantial portion of its photograph collection, and has made it available on its website,” says Society Curator Cori Convertito, Ph.D., who will lead the workshop.  “We want to encourage our community members to also preserve their photographic memories, particularly since the digital age has taken hold.”

Participants will learn how catalog their images, either chronologically, by people, by event, etc., and determine what information is important when preserving their collection.  They will also learn how to create an image index, scan photographs, and rehouse them in conservation-grade materials.

“When your grandchildren are looking through your photographs in 30-years-time, how will they know who is in the picture, what building they are looking at, or why the photographer captured that image?” says Convertito.  “As printed photographs are passed from generation to generation, the information on the people and places is forgotten. That information is precious, and it would be a shame to lose it.”

An RSVP and workshop fee of $30 is required; participants should be prepared to bring in their own set number of photographs and know the subject matter contained within them.  Workshop proceeds will benefit The Society’s photograph re-housing project.

For more information, contact Cori Convertito at 305.295.6616. Your Museums.  Your Community.  It takes an Island.

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