Key West Art Center November 10 Events
Below is a list of the events at the Key West Art Center on Friday, November 10th. Underneath each even is the date, time, and a brief description.
Title: Live Artist Demo by Maggie Ruley
Date: Friday, November 10
Time: 4 – 4:45 PM
Brief Description: Come to the Key West Art Center and learn how to use acrylic paint like watercolor and loosen up your painting style. Watch as Maggie demonstrates how to create a fun flirtatious flamingo using this fresh technique.
Title: THINK PINK Opening Reception
Date: Friday, November 10
Time: 5 – 7 PM
Brief Description: Flamingos, flowers, conch houses, and shells descend upon the Key West Art Center as local artists join together to THINK PINK! Come enjoy vibrant colors, delicate sweets, a prize raffle, and show your support as Florida Keys Artists paint it pink to benefit Womankind.
Title: THINK PINK Prize Raffle Drawing
Date: Friday, November 10
Time: 6PM
Brief Description: The Key West Ar Center is raffling off 3 fantastic prizes to raise money for Womankind. Do not miss your opportunity to WIN an original oil by Mary Jean Connors, Ocean Wellness Spa Treatments worth over $300, or a framed original batik watercolor by Gale Upmal! Suggested donation is $5 per raffle ticket or 5 for $20; no purchase necessary, need not be present to win. Join the craze, see the show, take a chance for amazing prizes, and invite your friends to THINK PINK!
I have attached Flamingo Feathers by Maggie Ruley to accompany the description of her demo, Think Pink Womankind to accompany the opening reception, and Raffle to accompany the Think Pink Prize Raffle Drawing. If you would like any further information on any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
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