Joe Garcia Issues Statement on Venezuelan Government’s Attempt to Block Democratic Recall Referendum
Miami, FL – Today, former Congressman Joe Garcia issued a statement regarding attempts by the government of Nicolas Maduro to postpone the democratic challenge to his oppressive regime in the form of a recall referendum.
“The oppressive forces of the Maduro regime continue their attempts to stifle the democratic movement in Venezuela—but I believe the people will ultimately triumph,” said Joe Garcia, candidate for Florida’s 26th Congressional District. “As a congressman I stood by the Venezuelan community and introduced legislation to assist its refugees, and I continue to stand in solidarity with their struggles.”
Garcia recently joined the Venezuelan community in showing support for the recall referendum. He also met with local Venezuelan community groups to talk about ways that congress can help the exile community. In Congress, Garcia introduced the Venezuelan Liberty Act which would have resolved the asylum claims of tens of thousands of Venezuelans seeking refuge from the oppressive Venezuelan government.
Joe Garcia served South Florida in Congress from 2013 to 2015. He is currently running for election against Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in a Congressional District that has been redrawn and favors Democrats.
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