Joe Garcia Campaigns with President Bill Clinton in the Heart of CD26

Florida City, FL – Today, former Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia joined President Bill Clinton on stage, for a get-out-the-vote rally with hundreds of enthusiastic supporters, new voters and community leaders during a campaign stop to encourage members of Florida’s 26th congressional district to vote for Hillary Clinton, Joe Garcia and Democrats up and down the ticket.

​“It’s an honor to have the President visit South Dade. We’ve always worked to put this community first and to give all of its people a voice in Washington. To have the President join me in Florida City to help South Florida move forward is extremely important. The President, Hillary Clinton and I all agree that the best way to guarantee a successful future is to exercise our right to vote,” said Joe Garcia, candidate for Florida’s 26th congressional district.

Today provided greater proof of Joe Garcia’s strong momentum in South Florida as Democrats rally behind him. In addition to opening for Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine at FIU, and serving as hype-man for Jennifer Lopez and Hillary Clinton this past weekend, Joe will have welcomed Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to South Florida by the end of this week in order to turn out voters in his important swing district.

“For months, the Garcia campaign has been working hand-in-hand with the Clinton campaign in South Florida to stand firm against Republicans like Donald Trump and Carlos Curbelo, and to send Joe Garcia and Hillary Clinton to Washington,” said Javier Hernandez, spokesperson for the Garcia campaign.

Carlos Curbelo still refuses to back Hillary Clinton or to disclose who he is voting for.  Curbelo, like Trump has called Social Security a Ponzi Schemerefuses to release his secret lobbying client list, voted to shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood and has environmental views that are out of touch with South Florida voters, including offshore oil drilling and relinquishing National Park Service protections for Biscayne National Park and handing control of a national marine reserve to Governor Scott.

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