Jazz Thursdays at the Little Room

The Hal Howland Trio (Dom Carelli, piano; Gary Rivenson, bass; Hal Howland, drums and percussion) performs every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. beginning December 1, 2016, at the Little Room Jazz Club & Wine Bar, 821 Duval St., Key West, 305-741-7515. This exciting, colorful, creative jazz (not polite cocktail music) is a most welcome addition to the Keys’ music scene, and in this case the threadbare term world-class is justified. In addition to hip jazz classics, the trio performs several Hal Howland compositions from his recordings Reiko and 10 Years in 5 Days. Howland’s books and CDs are available at the club for only $10 apiece (they cost more online). Come out and enjoy great music and fine wines, beers, and liqueurs in the Little Room’s warm, inviting ambiance. Please support America’s best music: jazz!
Hal Howland 

2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd., 209A 
Key West, FL 33040-5115 
United States
Telephone: 305-304-1444 
Web site: www.halhowland.com 
Amazon.com author page: www.amazon.com/author/hal_howland
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