Jail inmate charged with battery 

A 53-year-old homeless Key West man already in Stock Island jail for battery attacked his cell mate Monday following a dispute over the suspect’s penchant for passing gas.

Gilford Joseph Abshire was charged with two additional counts of aggravated battery.

The victim, a 65-year-old man in jail for violating his  DUI and drug possession-related probation, stated the day began with him being upset with Abshire, as Abshire was passing gas. A few minutes later, at approximately 7:30 a.m., Abshire went to use the cell toilet. The victim stated he asked Abshire for a “courtesy flush” as the odor was overwhelming.

The victim stated Abshire got up and began kicking him while he  was still on the bottom bunk. The victim stated he was able to get up, but Abshire grabbed him and threw him across the cell before Deputies entered and detained Abshire. The victim was taken to Lower Keys Medical Center where he was treated and released with three broken ribs and a broken nose.

The men are no longer cell mates.

Reports did not state if Abshire provided courtesy flush as requested.

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