image of Jimmy Buffett: JB Letty Nowak oil on panel 16 x 16 in.

Key West’s JAG Gallery is pleased to announce that the gallery has recently presented Judith Ranger-Smith, Singing For Change Executive Director, with a donation totaling $12,285.00.  The contribution reflects a portion of sales generated through the gallery’s popular and highly praised LIVIN’ MY LIFE LIKE A SONG, tribute exhibit,  dedicated to and celebrating the legacy of the legendary singer, songwriter, adventurer and philanthropist.

Founded by Jimmy in 1995 with proceeds from his summer tour, Singing For Change continues with a mission of supporting organizations that inspire personal growth, community integration and the enhanced awareness that, collectively, people can bring about positive change.

The gallery is grateful for the very special circle of Buffett friends from the worlds of art, words and song whose unique contributions of artwork and personal recollections of Jimmy brought our vision for the exhibit to life and to our gallery friends and many Buffett fans whose purchases aided in making this support possible

Recognized as one of the region’s finest destinations for contemporary art offering carefully curated exhibits featuring work of prominent artists from Key West and beyond, Jag Gallery  is located at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square, 1075 Duval Street with ample, free parking.  Gallery hours are Tuesday-Sunday noon to 5, Mondays by appointment.  For additional information call 305.407.6202 or email [email protected] and follow us on Facebook and instagram at jaggallery.

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