Commissioners Lissette Carey and Jimmy Weekley, Mayor Teri Johnston, IV Hydration Station founders Suzyjo Moore and Bobbie Vurro, SBDC Regional Director Brian Van Hook, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover and Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman were in attendance via Zoom.

IV Hydration Station Recognized by Commission and FSBDC

Mayor Teri Johnston and the City Commission teamed up with the Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU to recognize announced IV Hydration Station as the winner of the 2024 Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year for Monroe County.

IV Hydration Station was founded in December 2020 by two emergency room nurses, Suzyjo Moore and Bobbie Vurro.

This health and wellness small business; and has two locations in Key offering IV vitamin hydration and immune boosting infusions, hangover relief and prevention, energy vitamins, athletic performance, recovery treatments as well as red light and cold plunge therapy treatments.

The business has grown significantly in the past three years and now employs five nurses.

The women accepted the award, saying that they are proud and honored to be selected and that they’re happy to bring added health and wellness options to the community.

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