Horace O’Bryant School – Principal, Christina McPherson

Superintendent Mark Porter is pleased to announce his recommendation for the new principal at Horace O’Bryant School – Ms. Christina McPherson. Ms. McPherson was selected from an outstanding group of applicants that included qualified individuals from the Monroe County Schools, the State of Florida as well as Utah and New York. The selection process was led by Dr. Ramon Dawkins, Executive Director of Human Resources and included two rounds of personal interviews that involved stakeholders from the school and community.

Ms. McPherson has served the Monroe County Schools in a variety of leadership roles, including; Assistant Principal at Key West High School, Director of Accountability & Assessment and Poinciana School Principal. Ms. McPherson was recognized in 2012-2013 as the District Instructional Leader of the Year and she has also received recognition in the State of Florida when she was selected as one of twelve members on the Florida Department of Education Clinical Education Redesign Team on which she currently serves.

“Christina McPherson is the kind of energetic and effective instructional leader that can bring Horace O’Bryant School to the next level of excellence. Her enthusiasm and leadership skills are well suited to meet the needs of students and staff at HOB” states Superintendent Mark T. Porter, “I’m excited to see what she will do with this new leadership opportunity.”

From her perspective, Ms. McPherson shares, “My vision for Horace O’Bryant School is to transform the lives and destiny of students and teachers. I appreciate the opportunity to act as a catalyst for growth at HOB to once again be recognized with the “A” rated school designation.”

Ms. McPherson currently serves as the Principal at Poinciana Elementary School. This position vacancy will be posted immediately and filled through the MCSD talent selection process.

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