Holiday Safety Tips

With the holiday shopping season, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg wants to remind the community that there are some simple precautions that can keep you from becoming a victim of crime. Whether you’re out and about or shopping online, the following reminders may help keep your holidays happy.

If you decide to purchase online from a local market like Craig’s List or Facebook Marketplace, consider using the Key West Police Department lobby for the exchange of goods and money. Located at 1604 North Roosevelt Blvd, it’s open 24/7, there are cameras at all times, it’s well lit, and it keeps your home address unknown to a stranger.

This season also sees an increase in porch theft. If you order online for home delivery, try to arrange to have someone pick up the package, or have it delivered where you know you can receive it.

When shopping, always try to put packages in the trunk or hidden so they are not obvious to ill-intending criminals. And don’t give them a chance, lock your car doors and keep the windows up when you leave it.

Finally, scammers seem to enjoy the festive season, so be wary. Don’t share personal or financial information over an unsecured network. Be leery of communications that offer amazing deals that sound too good to be true or implore you to act immediately. Be cautious of links that are provided in emails, tweets posts and online advertising.

The Key West Police Department wants everyone to have a safe and happy holiday season!

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