Holiday DUI Checkpoint
The Key West Police Department, in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies, will be conducting a DUI check point on Saturday, September 3rd from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. The checkpoint will occur at Garrison Bight Marina, 1801 North Roosevelt Boulevard, in the city of Key West.
During the checkpoint, law enforcement officers from several agencies will be checking for impaired drivers, equipment violations and other infractions. Officers will also check to be sure that drivers have a current driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance on hand.
During the holiday weekend, officers encourage drivers to be extra cautious on the roadway. Residents and visitors celebrating the Labor Day holiday weekend are encouraged to plan their ride home ahead of time and to designate a sober driver.
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In 1990, a Supreme Court decision found that these DUI checkpoints are constitutional. I strongly disagree. Arresting citizens at random just to see if they might be doing something wrong is flat-out unconstitutional-period. And yes, it’s an arrest. Don’t think so? Ok. Just try leaving without permission from the cop and let me know how that works out for you. I would suggest making sure your will is in order first.