The first Cemetery Stroll to be offered at the Historic Key West Cemetery this season will take place on Sunday January 8th, 2023. During the stroll, small groups of visitors will be escorted to gravesites where interpreters will tell the stories of the deceased in brief monologues. The groups are scheduled for departures at 9:30, 9:50, and 10:10 a.m. Reservations are necessary, and can be made by calling or texting 305-304-1453 or by emailing at hfkf@bellsouth.net.
Among the gravesites to be visited are those of the Knight Family, Sloppy Joe Russell, B’Nai Zion Jewish Cemetery, Gladys Bates, Captain Outrageous, the Otto Family, and Figueredo Plot.
The tour will take approximately 90 minutes. Participants should wear comfortable shoes and plan to walk over a mile on uneven ground. Bottled water will be provided.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn first-hand about some of the fascinating people who have given Key West its colorful and significant character. Space is limited for the tours and pre-registration is required. A donation of $20 (cash or check) per person to the Historic Florida Keys Foundation is recommended, with all proceeds devoted to cemetery restoration. Participants may enter the cemetery by either the Windsor Street or Frances Street gate and go to the registration table on Palm Avenue.
Additional strolls featuring other gravesites will take place on February 12th and March 5th.
The cemetery strolls are sponsored by the City of Key West and the Historic Florida Keys Foundation.
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