HHS Pays Visit to the Keys in light of Hurricane Irma Response

On February 22, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) flew down to the Florida Keys to meet with staffers from the Florida Department of Health and Monroe County Emergency Management to hear some of the department’s needs at the Special Needs Shelter at Florida International University during Hurricane Irma.  Challenges and solutions were exchanged during the meeting.  HHS, Monroe County, and DOH-Monroe are currently closely working together to improve the response for the future.

Pictured from left:  Chris Meekins, Deputy Assistant Secretary for HHS; Alison Kerr, DOH-Monroe’s PIO; Nikki Norman, DOH-Monroe’s Nursing Director; Bob Eadie, DOH-Monroe’s Health Officer and Administrator; Eric Hargan, Deputy Secretary for HHS; Marty Senterfitt, Director of Emergency Management for Monroe County; Paul Myers, Deputy Secretary for DOH; Steve Whitfield, DOH-Monroe’s Environmental Manager; and Laura Caliguiri, Associate Deputy Secretary for HHS.

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