The Hemingway Look-Alike Society presents $20,000 in scholarships to CFK students. Standing (L to R): “Papa 2013” Stephen Terry, CFK student Biennedie Fils-Aime, CFK President Dr. Jonathan Gueverra, CFK students Genesis Alvarez De Jesus, Emily Hull, Amanda Costantino, Gisselle Corrales, Emelia Fernandez Cardenas, Courtney Cain, Madison Nasser, Jessica Borges, Grether Bermudez, and Victoria Bailey. Not pictured: Latronda Shelby, Sara Squire, and Kimberly LeBoutillier. 

Hemingway Look-Alikes Give Scholarships to CFK Students

KEY WEST, FL, July 28, 2021— The “Papas” of the Hemingway Look-Alike Society (HLAS) kicked-off the festivities of the famous Hemingway Look-Alike Contest by presenting $20,000 in scholarships to students attending The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) on the stage of Sloppy Joe’s on July 22. “Papa” Fred Johnson and “Papa” Stephen Terry awarded five scholarships for literary talent and eight scholarships to nursing students. He also presented the Kermit “Shine” Forbes Scholarship, named for Hemingway’s boxing sparring partner, to a CFK-bound Key West High School graduate.

The Hemingway Look-Alike Society established the CFK scholarship 22 years ago with the purpose of encouraging education and literary talent in the community where the legendary writer called home in the 1930s and produced some of his most enduring literary works. The scholarship was later opened up to nursing students. To date, they have awarded 259 scholarships and built an endowment to fund future scholarships for many years to come.

Throughout the year, the “Papas” and “Mamas” collect donations and fundraise at various events held during the Hemingway Days celebration to support the group’s ongoing philanthropic commitment to CFK students. At this year’s scholarship presentation ceremony, the torch was passed from Johnson to Terry to lead the HLAS scholarship efforts.

For more information about CFK and its scholarship opportunities, visit the College’s website at and for more information about how to give to the CFK Foundation, contact Dr. Frank Wood, CFK Vice President of Advancement and Foundation Executive Director, at 305-809-3287.

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